The order of socks and shoes from Affordable Designs arrived today. Four pairs of sneakers and one pair of blue sandal shoes. I went with Affordable designs' running shoes, because they are smaller, not as 'clunky' looking, don't rise up the ankle to interfere with the bottoms of pants, and they look in better scale than the ones by Mimiwoo, but they aren't as well made, or of as durable materials. But as everything seems to have a trade-off, and scale, and how things look, is more important to me, I went with the ones from Affordable Designs...... I had also ordered three pairs of socks to go in my hockey skates. They look great, and mostly are - except for the top edge, which isn't finished very well. Some of the sock's elastic is loose and I'm concerned the knitting will 'run'. I really need to hem the top edges to secure the top rows, but the stitches are so super tiny.
Our daughter and her two little ones were staying with us for the weekend, and we needed to stop for some milk on our way home. Jan went into the store, while the rest of us were surprised when a fire truck pulled into the parking lot and parked right beside us. Elliot waved and scrambled out of his seat, followed closely by Emily. They were both given a tour inside the cab, allowed to turn on the flashing lights, and given fire fighter hats.... a black one for Elliot, and a pink one for Emily.... I'd made them some 'super hero' capes, and next morning we tried to take some pictures.. ...Emily made me think of a little pink 'Darth Vadar'..... Back at Chris', everyone had to gather up all the balloons.... ...and the kids are given order to pop them.... Well, that was VERY LOUD, but a lot of fun!!
This past weekend we had our annual pool party to celebrate Jan's birthday, and that of our daughter-in-law, Ainsley, who have birthdays within a few days of each other. All our kids, son and daughters in law, and grandchildren were there, as well as my sister, and a niece and her two little ones. Our eldest son always hosts, as his home is perfect for a big pool party. Ainsley baked the four different cake layers - chocolate, lemon poppy seed, raspberry, and vanilla - and Jan made all the different fillings - lemon curd, chocolate ganache, special better cream, and raspberry whipping cream - and under the supervision of my cake decorator sister, he put it all together. Happy Birthday Jan and Ainsley! ..with all our grandchildren, plus one...
There's not much doll-related going on around here right now. It's been a rough week, but at least some of the news was good. Now to see if I can get some of the other issues to work themselves out. So, nothing new in the way of doll photos. But my garden is looking beautiful, and that is always nice. After several years of not being able to buy impatiens, due to the fact that they were all diseased, I'm finally able to get them again. I always preferred the regular impatiens to the New Guinea variety, because they bloom much better in my shady backyard. I have them planted in pots in and around my garden..... I love flowers, but not too many can handle my backyard. But there are a few that can.... The day lilies are starting to bloom, although there doesn't seem to be too many.... But the hostas are certainly making up for it. I've never seen so many buds.... I think I've finally decided what to do with my FIDs. After going back and forth about them several times - including bringing them to Charie's, and then changing my mind - I think I will get them partially painted after all, and use them as costume models. I have so much fancy fabric that needs to be made into gowns, and I want to try making some for the FIDs. Maybe they will go better than gowns for the bigger girls. And if that doesn't pan out, I can always sell them afterwards. Now watch me go and change my mind yet again.
Anyway, I need to clean my house as I'm getting grand babies over for the weekend, so need to baby proof everything. Which means cleaning up my work spaces, and all the stuff lying about. I've been trying to avoid buying stuff at Value Village, because I already have so much stuff needing to be made into doll clothes, but today there were two items I couldn't resist - an absolutely stunning deep blue sari with embroidered and beaded gold edge - and a girl's white party dress with layered white tulle skirts, each edged with yards and yards of blue tulle ruffles...... I'm imagining party dresses for Kaye Wiggs girls out of the party dress, but am not sure
about the sari. Maybe something Medieval for one of my JID ladies? I'll think about it, but right now I'm busy making two super hero capes for two little grandchildren. Someone mentioned that they wanted to use the JID Guy's Pattern to make a shirt for their FID guy. Well, I still have my FID guy, so figured I better go see how the shirt fits him.... (Wow, what a huge body, and with such a tiny head! Only reinforces my decision to sell him) Anyway, the shirt fit rather snug across the shoulders and around his arms. To make it fit him better, the shoulders should be a bit wider, and the armholes should be a bit bigger. Which means the top of the sleeves would need to be a bit wider to compensate, and the sleeves need to be at least 3/4" longer. The whole shirt maybe at least a 1/2" longer too. But I'm not getting into FID patterns. Just giving tips to make this pattern fit one in case someone wants to make one. Then there's the Kaye Wiggs girls. The standard MSD size fits most JID fashions, so I thought I'd try both shirts on my Izzy to see how they'd fit her. Took full length photos of her in both of them.... The JID Girl Shirt fit perfectly. The Guy's Shirt is nice too, but it's roomier - and makes her look a lot older. It could be worn open over something. The sleeves on the Guy's shirt are way too long for the standard KW MSD. Maybe they'd be good for a Maurice body - but I don't have one to check.
July 10th is Teddy Bears Picnic Day, and that means a look back at one of my favourite
little photo stories from 2014. To see the whole story, just click on the photo..... The patterns for the Iplehouse JID Girl's Shirt is up now too.
Instructions are exactly the same as for the Guy's shirt. The tutorial with patterns and instructions for the Iplehouse JID Guy's Shirt is up. Just a reminder that the patterns are copyrighted, and for personal use only. Now to make the tutorial for the JID Girl's Shirts.....
My Benny needed something to go with her pink T-shirt, so I made her a nice shirt as well.... I chose a nice colourful cotton that would work with her pink T-shirt, and used the same pattern as Owen's shirt, but made the sleeves and overall length about 3/4 inches shorter. And I took in the side seams a little, so it would fit a little more snug. I mean, comfort's all well and good, but a girl still wants to look attractive.... I had intended for Benny to wear it open over her T-shirt, but she wanted it buttoned up. She has the 'Glamor' bust, so the shirt will be more roomy on the two smaller bust sizes. I'm impressed by how beautiful Benny is, and she does look amazing in close-ups.
It's a little more challenging when she's photographed with someone lighter.... |
AuthorMartha Boers is an award-winning Canadian doll maker and costumer specializing in fantasy and historical-style costumes. Archives
February 2025