Well, I finally "took the bull by the horns" so to speak, and started taking photos of the old dolls I'd like to sell. I was going along gung-ho, when the camera battery died, and since I had to come upstairs to get a fresh one, I became side-tracked with starting the pages on this website. You may notice the "For Sale" header has been changed to "Fashions for Sale". That's to differentiate that page from the "Dolls for Sale" page, which will remain hidden until all the dolls I'm willing to part with are up, and have their own pages with detail photos and prices. As I was processing the photos I've taken so far, these two faces popped out at me. They are among the very last figures Marianne and I made together, and are rather funny little guys....they made me smile!
Today is "Hairstyle Appreciation" Day, and we are all to tell someone their hairstyle looks great. Nami loves her new hairstyle, and can't stop admiring herself in the mirror....
"They look like granny-underwear! Where's the pink? Where's the pretty patterns? Where's the lace? I'm going to be ssoooooo embarrassed changing at gymnastics class!" "Calm down! I've never made modern girlie undies before. At least they'll keep your bum warm."
Well, now to make three more pairs, and then they can all be miserable together. I just need to take the studio photos of Ryung in her Celtic outfit, and then that costume can go up for sale. I really like the golden brown and blue tartan with navy blue. It's a very natural "authentic-looking" combination, and looks wonderful with Ryung's bright red hair. This week my goal is to finish up all the Gallery pages which currently don't have detail pages - mostly outfits I've made for my own dolls. It's high time those were done. Problem is, I keep adding more items to many of those outfits. Yesterday I made flower wreaths for all three tiny Renaissance outfits, and now they still need tights. The older sundresses, which have had tops and hats added, now need panties too. So there's several smaller odds and ends to make, and lots of photos to take.
And of course, there's the never-ending trip photos from last spring! There's 16 days-worth of trip photos, and just 8 weeks to process and post them all. One new good thing, is a new link my son added to the headers of the photo albums on my old Martha Boers website, so if you go there from here, it's easy to come back to Antique Lilac. Today is "Astronomy Day". I mean, really, shouldn't it be "Astronomy Night"? You can't see anything up there during the day, except maybe the moon. Anyway, Lonnie is busy working on her school project - making a model of the solar system. She has the sun and all the planets finished, and made sure not to include Pluto, since it's no longer considered a "planet". Now she just has to rearrange them all and place them in their proper orbits.
Another image from this morning's early photo shoot. "Prince Adrian" and "Princess Blanchette" in the flowers. Well, they aren't actually the "real" prince and princess from our doll photo story - they just have the main character's clothes. Permanently. It would have been so much easier to shoot a doll photo story with BJDs, but back then we did the best we could with what we had. And now their costumes live on, on this couple. It's taken me awhile to warm up to Kassia, but I'm liking her more and more.
Earlier this week was "Earth Day", and I've been waiting all week for decent lighting to take the photo. I had wanted Byuri in her native Cheyenne regalia, complete with new hair-pipe breast-plate, in among the pure blues and greens of a field full of scillas. It was overcast first thing this morning, so we rushed over to the old orchard, and I finally got my photo. Now that I'm finally finished the Celtic commission, I'm going to take some time for myself. I have several costumes I'd like to make for my own dolls, and there's several "special day" photos I'd like to take too. There's a short story I'd like to shoot, and I still need to take the final photos from the story I started last spring on our trip to the Pacific. Then there's finishing the trip photo album from last spring too - hopefully before we leave on our next road trip. I'd like to finally photograph the old dolls I'm going to put up for sale, and post them too. And if I get inspired, I'll make some costumes for sale.
Forgot to mention that two of my photos are among the ten finalists in this year's Springbok photo contest. I'm hoping at least one of them ends up as a puzzle, but don't dare show them at this point just in case neither wins. I'm personally voting for the Christmas ornament image. I made a new hat to go with Lonnie's Victorian girl outfit today. As much as I like the original that I made for the porcelain doll many years ago, it's a bit small and sits high on Lonnie's hair - which in itself isn't bad, as it looks very "Victorian. But I wanted more of a "little girl" look with a hat that actually comes down over her head as opposed to just perching on top. Now I think I should make another dress in the same style, so Peach can have one too when she comes, and they can be little Victorian girls together. I still have one straw hat the right size left over. A package of pretty pastel frog shoes (crocs) arrived today, and Erzulie had trouble deciding which ones she wanted for herself. I got them from Denis Bastien's Leeann Website. They are intended for Leeann dolls, but fit Iplehouse BIDs and KIDs perfectly too. In the past he only had dark "boyish" colours, but this year he had six brand new pretty pastel colours, and since I have six little girls who could use them this summer, I got the six-pair package deal. Of course, now that the little girls can go barefoot in the crocs this summer, they are all going to need little undies. Up until now they've always been wearing tights to protect their modesty. Just what I always wanted to make - teenie tiny panties out of stretchy fabric! Sigh! My machine will probably just "eat" them - maybe it would work best if I just hand-sewed them.
Jan took the day off yesterday and we went downtown to Queen Street. It's always a treat to go there. I wasn't looking for fabrics this time, as I have more than enough, but I did pop into one of my favourite stores just to have a quick look. It's like going into an art store with all those beautiful new supplies all laid out in rows of colour, just begging to be used. Some fabric stores have the same effect - all those neat rows of bolts, and rolls of the most amazing fabrics; beaded and embroidered, some costing several hundred dollars per yard. I'd never buy any, because it would make any doll costumes WAY too expensive, and most people already can't get over the price of even the simplest doll clothes. So I ever so carefully touch some of it, taking in the beauty - it's just so inspirational to look at. I had made a list of things I wanted to look for.... I needed some small flowers from Sussman's Bridal, and then spotted some neat metallic trim that would probably make great "mail" for fantasy figures, so got half a yard of that too. Next stop was Arton Beads where I picked up some metallic beads, and the last package of some very nice little square studs - have to buy them whenever I see any, since nice studs are so difficult to find these days. Then a few blocks west to Mokuba for some silk ribbons in colours I'd used up.
When we got home I was waiting for it to cloud over so we could go take a few more photos in the scilla orchard, but as soon as the last sun disappeared, the wind picked up and it started to spit. Wind from the west meant hair would blow into everyone's faces, and raindrops blowing right onto my camera lens. Plus it looked like someone had picked clean most of the little flowers from my usual photography spot. So we went back home. Now I'm hoping for either early this evening, or early tomorrow morning, and I'll need to clear a new area of all the dead dog-strangling vines in order to get a new "sea of blue". People have been asking about my trip photo albums, so instead of having to make everyone
go scrolling and searching through my Blog posts, or trying to find my Martha Boers website and looking for them there, I've changed my "Contacts" page on this site into a "Links" page, and have put buttons there that link directly to the road trip photo albums on my other website. The buttons below will also take you to the individual photo albums. |
AuthorMartha Boers is an award-winning Canadian doll maker and costumer specializing in fantasy and historical-style costumes. Archives
February 2025