See what I they look like real little girls back in the late fifties and early sixties.
sitting in the grass long, long ago, back in Holland, before we immigrated to Canada.
I've been wanting to take some more photos of my dolls out in the snow, but it's been so ridiculously cold again all week, that there's no way I'm going out there if I don't absolutely have to. On the weekend it's supposed to be a bit milder, and maybe we'll even get a fresh dusting of snow. I hope so. I'm tired of the dirty, rock hard snow and ice - if it isn't going to melt and go away, then it needs a nice fresh white coating.
I'm trying to think of warm weather clothes for some of my girls, but it's so cold out that it's not the least bit conducive to even thinking about spring and summer clothes, let along taking my dolls out of their nice warm winter clothes so they can try new stuff on. I'll get cold just looking at them with their bare little arms and legs! Maybe next week will be better.