Elliot's room, as many of the animals on the quilt are also in the painting.....
While working on the two quilts, I'm trying to figure out what dolls to take on our upcoming trip, and what clothes I need to make for them. Something suitable for sunny, warm weather, and to wear while sight-seeing, and on the beach. Although I heard on the radio this morning that one needs to go as far south as Miami before it actually gets warm. But "warm" doesn't mean the same thing to everyone. What most people consider "warm" I'd consider downright HOT. Warm is good enough for me. Today it's -14 C outside here, and it's going to go down all day. It's been the coldest winter in over twenty years, and I'm really ready to see some spring - anywhere - especially some flowers. All my dolls have sundresses and hats already, but it would be nice to make them something new for the trip.
In the meantime, I'm trying to get used to all the changes to my computer. The system was updated on the weekend, and many things aren't quite working properly yet. I hate change, mostly because there's always so many things that show up afterwards, that need further updating, and I'm not the least bit technically-minded, so have to wait for someone else to fix the stuff for me. And they don't have time to help for awhile, so I'm stuck with it all for now. Every time I walk away and my screen turns itself off, my External Drive and Time Machine shut off too. That's not supposed to happen. I can't get new emails to automatically show up, and the screen colour has changed (even though it's still the same screen) and my photos now show up looking sort of dead and a touch greenish. And in a totally non-brilliant move, I decided to give an updated version of PhotoShop a try at the same time. Well, my IT son was here and available, so why not take advantage of it? What was I thinking, dealing with all of those things all at once?
The computer is so much faster now, and the new keyboard doesn't stick, and the new cordless mouse is okay too. And those things are good. I actually like the new RAW picture processing in CS6, BUT there are so many other changes that will probably be deal-breakers. For one thing, the new cropping system is crazy, much harder to use, and actually makes me motion sick! And I can't open more than one photo at a time anymore. And where's that 'Perspective' button I sometimes need? And then there's all the little things, like where's the SpellCheck for Word, and why does everything now have 'Auto-Correct'? I hate 'Auto-Correct'!! Let me decide for myself what I want to write! SpellCheck is necessary to catch the occasional typo, but forget that dumb 'Auto-Correct".
Computers! Can't live without them these days, but they sure can be a challenge!!!!
Well, better get back to that play mat.......