It was a lovely autumn day, and sure to be one of the last, so Yvette decided to take a solo ride in the woods.... When who should she meet, but Eden.... ....her true love....
Continuing on with using my old art dolls with my BJDs, there's my Pied Piper. I made him way back in 1991. My sister and I spent a Sunday sculpting all the rats, which are all over him. I've often thought it would make an interesting photo having all my little children following him somewhere, like through the woods or up a hill. But it was just too daunting a task to even consider taking that many dolls out on location. Then this week with all the plants cut down in the upper garden, I wondered if I might be able to pull it off in my own backyard. So I took the Pied Piper out of the display case and stood him in the middle of a bunch of BIDs, some in Fantasy/Medieval costumes and some in modern clothes. Which suited him better? Jan suggested the Fantasy/Medieval ones. It was a fairy tale after all. But I only have the eight Royal children, and an additional eight more suitable costumes. That wouldn't make much of a crowd. On the other hand I had 30 children in contemporary clothes. So contemporary it would be. I set up some benches with baskets of million bells along the rock wall in places where the wall would be visible, sprinkled small locust leaves over the dirt, and poked in some pruned branches for extra 'trees'. Then it was time to take all the dolls out and position them. I had a dozen wire 'poke-in-the-ground' doll stands, which I used for the six KIDs, the boys, and the small dolls that would be up front. All the rest were supported with chopsticks up their skirts. Altogether there were 15 BIDs, 6 KIDs, 8 KW Tinies, and baby Sena. There could have been 8 more dolls (the royal children) but I was too lazy to change them into contemporary clothes. Then I took all the photos from the patio.....
I've always loved Jim Henson's Storyteller series, so way back in the early nineties I made several sculpted dolls depicting some of my favourite characters; Sapsorrow, the Princess from the Three Ravens, the Storyteller himself, and then my sister and I worked together to recreate the scene from the Soldier and Death where the soldier is playing cards with thirteen little devils. This is the entire piece with the original Soldier.... For some time I've been wondering if it would work to replace the Soldier with one of my FIDs. After all they are the same size. So I chose Lawrence to play the role of the Soldier. I set up a 'haunted palace interior', but needed a main light source from above, so stuffed a string of Christmas tree lights into a funnel, and suspended it from the chandelier.... There were thirteen devils on the piece and eleven of them were permanently attached so it took some creative camera angles to take the photos... It was handy that there were two loose devils, since they could be moved around... Then combined with Lawrence's posability it helped give the impression that the devils were moving as well....even though only two actually were.... Of course then one thing led to another, and I thought I'd tackle more of the story by using my Storyteller. I removed him from his base and posed him in the only fancy chair I had... In the real Storyteller episodes, parts of the story appear as silhouettes on the scene above the fireplace, so I took a look at the original video and painted two of the backgrounds into one painting on a bristol board surround. It was challenging to make the scene look dark and dull enough. Then after processing the photos, I'd draw in the little figures in Photoshop... Then I decided to include the beginning of the story when the Soldier first arrives in the palace. But I couldn't show the whole room since the devils were permanently attached to the table, and I didn't have a bare identical one. So I had to fake it by using a much smaller rectangular table that had the same colour of wood finish.... I took photos of the two loose devils arriving at midnight, and made sure to move the clock hands so they were at the right time. But I didn't notice that the photo of the Soldier hearing the devils arrive still had the clock hands at the time when he first arrived. So I had to fix it.... With so much going on in the scene it's hard to make sure everything in the background makes sense. There was another scene where the clock was in the background, and I had to fix the hands on the clock help show the passing of time..... There was another oversight involving the cards, which I didn't catch right away either. The original cards on the piece were all permanently attached, so I needed to make some new ones. The original cards were made in the days long before colour printing. My sister scanned in the red cards, and it was only possible to print them in black and white, so she took them to a copy shop where the b&w cards were photocopied in red. Then we hand coloured the face cards, and I attached peel-back vinyl dollhouse flooring to the backs. Well, I did have a small deck of cards, but they were too big, so I just took out all the face cards and aces, photographed them, shrank them to the same size as the devil's cards, and I was surprised I still had a sheet of that very same peel-off backing. So the new cards matched! But for variety, I gave Lawrence a whole series of different winning hands, and one time it was all queens.... It's the scene where the devils are asking if he's cheating, and it never dawned on me that the accusing devil also had three queens glued permanently on the table in from of him (no wonder he's asking!) But I couldn't have that, so I had to remove them in Photoshop.... To fill out the story even more I decided to try take some photos of the Soldier opening the sack with the devils inside. Well, I wanted one of my favourite devils to be 'in the sack', so cut the bottom out of the sack so it could fit around him. Then Lawrence, who had already been changed back into his usual outfit, had to sprawl unceremoniously across the table..... order for his hands to be in position....and I had to place the set on the floor so I could take the photo from above..... Then for the end of the story, I wanted to do the same thing as in the original video and have a devil come out of the sack that the Storyteller tosses across the room. I'd already resewn the bottom of the sack, so had to cut it again. Then I used a tiny stand to support the fleeing devil.... ...and just cropped in when I took the photo....
"Years later the Soldier was a rich gentleman, rewarded by the Czar, but his son fell very ill, so he called on his devil." "The Soldier's devil showed him a magic glass in which Death could be seen. By Death's position at the foot or head of the bed, the Soldier could determine if the victim would recover or perish. The devil gave the Soldier the magic glass in exchange for his freedom, and after a successful career as Miracle Worker, the Soldier managed to trick Death itself, and capture it in his sack. He then climbed up the highest tree in the thickest forest, and hung the sack with Death up in it." "So, no one died?" "No. There were wars in most parts, but after a day of carnage, flashing of swords and exploding bombs, it was very one had died. Crossed lovers threw themselves off cliffs, only to face a long climb back up...." "But people were not meant to live forever, and soon tired old men and women begged the Soldier to set Death free, and put things right. So he climbed back up the tree and released Death. But Death would not take the Soldier, and he lived on and on...doomed to wander the Earth forever...." "That is so sad.... So, is that the Soldier's sack?" "No. It's just an old sack...with some stale biscuits...." and he tossed it across the floor... But it started to move.... *To see my entire story from the beginning - 'the Soldier and Death'
* To see the original Storyteller episode on which my characters and story are based - 'the Soldier and Death' "They played all through the night..." " after game..." "...until the Soldier had won every last barrel of their gold..." 'Well....let's call it a day!' 'No! Let's call it a BREAKFAST, and you the meal!!' 'First be sure who eats who!' 'Do you know what this is?' 'It's a sack!' 'Well if it's a sack, GET IN IT!!' "With a great shrieking and flapping of wings, all the devils were drawn into the sack.." "The Soldier tied the sack up tight, took it outside where he threw, kicked and beat it, with the devils screaming inside...." 'Had enough yet?!?' 'Yes!! Let us out!!' 'Then be gone from here, and never come back!!' "... and the Soldier released them.
But he caught the last of the fleeing devils, and made him swear to serve him." 'The devils cheated to high Heaven and low Hell...' "They tried to get a look at the Soldier's hand..." "...and passed the cards to each other behind their backs...." "....while the Soldier just whistled and won...." "....every game..."
"The Soldier shuffled his deck of cards, and dealt them...." "The devils laid out one winning hand after another...." "...but the Soldier had the perfect hand...and won...." "...then he dealt again...." "...and won ...again...." 'Hey, let me see those!' 'Is he cheating?' 'Well I am, and I'm still losing!' 'Me too!' 'The Soldier dealt again....' '....and again...' '...and won every game.'
"The Soldier was surrounded by devils but remained unfazed..... 'Hello.....I hear you like a game of cards.' 'Yes we do!!' 'Then what shall we play for?' 'Your soul!' 'I want his whistle!' 'And I want his teeth! I collect teeth.' 'And what will YOU stake?' 'We have thirty barrels of gold. Any good?' 'Very good.... Let's play then.'
AuthorMartha Boers is an award-winning Canadian doll maker and costumer specializing in fantasy and historical-style costumes. Archives
February 2025