'Then be gone from here, and never come back!!'
But he caught the last of the fleeing devils, and made him swear to serve him."
"They played all through the night..." "...game after game..." "...until the Soldier had won every last barrel of their gold..." 'Well....let's call it a day!' 'No! Let's call it a BREAKFAST, and you the meal!!' 'First be sure who eats who!' 'Do you know what this is?' 'It's a sack!' 'Well if it's a sack, GET IN IT!!' "With a great shrieking and flapping of wings, all the devils were drawn into the sack.." "The Soldier tied the sack up tight, took it outside where he threw, kicked and beat it, with the devils screaming inside...." 'Had enough yet?!?' 'Yes!! Let us out!!' 'Then be gone from here, and never come back!!' "... and the Soldier released them.
But he caught the last of the fleeing devils, and made him swear to serve him."
11/24/2021 02:02:34 pm
With every project, with every photo, with every story--you show the naysayers just how powerful an artistic medium dolls are. They aren't creepy or stupid or frivolous or merely young children's toys. They are like three-dimensional interactive paintings that possess such rich detail as to take hold of our imagination and carry us where our hearts call us to be...and to tell the stories we were born to tell.
11/24/2021 02:10:49 pm
Thank you so much! I really appreciate your comments.
11/25/2021 01:31:59 am
Teena has expressed it so well. I can only add that your stories and photos are wonderful. You bring life to your dolls and enchant us over and over again.
11/26/2021 05:05:19 pm
Thank you! I really appreciate everyone's positive reaction to my work. Comments are closed.
AuthorMartha Boers is an award-winning Canadian doll maker and costumer specializing in fantasy and historical-style costumes. Archives
February 2025