So I took the foal and some of the girls out for some photos, so they could get acquainted....
I received an Our Generation White Lipizzaner Foal earlier this week. My intention is to turn him into a baby unicorn. I had been looking for an 'adult' Lipizzaner horse to convert, since it is a finer build - more like a unicorn- than the other standard white horse breeds available. However, there were no regular size Lipizzaners to be had, so I'm going to make a baby unicorn instead. It will be a nice size for my smaller dolls.
So I took the foal and some of the girls out for some photos, so they could get acquainted.... I'm very busy trying to catch up with all the photos I've taken the last while. I started out the year rather well, creating albums after every photo shoot, but lately I've been rather negligent, and there were a LOT of albums needing to be made. Yesterday I finished these.....
Last week we went for one final photo shoot in the scillas. They were growing too fast,
and the flowers would soon be finished, and luckily there was a cloudy morning. This time I took Leona and Owen. We had a triple birthday party on the weekend. My eldest and youngest sons also have birthdays close to mine, so we had a triple birthday party, with cakes made by my sister, assisted by Jan. I'm really surprised by all the Birthday wishes on Facebook today! I really appreciate it.
All the "have a wonderful day!" comments make me smile. Laugh, actually. Fate is playing another of it's jokes on me again today. At 3:30 am I was at the hospital. The Emergency triage nurse was taking down my information; "Birthdate?" "Today." "Really, today?" "Yeah." "Well, Happy Birthday!" "Thanks....It's not starting out so well." Turns out my heart was fine, and so were all the other tests. The doctor thinks it's my shoulder rotator cuff. The pain is across my shoulders, up into my neck and jaw, into my head, and down my left arm. I need to see my own doctor so she can send me for X-rays. With my severe neck and shoulder arthritis she already nags me that I shouldn't be "doing crafts". With this new development I definitely can't do much of anything. Well....... maybe still post photos from my Archives, or process the ones from the final scilla shoot. There's also a photo shoot I've been putting off for too long. Maybe I can redress my dolls and get them ready for it. When the pain pills are working, that is. Anyway, I'm hoping for a good year. I figure it can only improve after today. In his rush to get away, Winston dropped his bouquet of flowers. Erzulie picked it up. "Here, you dropped your flowers...." The next day they all came back to pick some more....
Coco was the first to look back and realize the Dragon was Winston. "It's just Winston, and he was busy picking flowers!" But the others were not amused.
"Winston, you really scared us! And now we are going to get you! Come back here!" Some of the children went down to the meadow to pick the flowers.... When they spotted something peering out from among the flowers.... "It's a Dragon! RUN!!"
It's been extremely difficult to take doll photos in the scillas this year. The 'problem', if you can call warm, sunny days a 'problem', is that clear blue skies are not ideal for doll photos. I managed a few last week when it was a bit hazy the one day, but it hadn't been good since. And the flowers continue to grow, especially with the warmer temperatures. I had planned on using my horse in the next set of photos, so had made some 'Native' accessories for him; an appropriate blanket, some beaded, fringed medallions; and I borrowed a 'bearskin' and a quiver full of arrows.
Then yesterday evening there were a few clouds developing, so we went to try a few more photos. With the sun low in the sky, and the occasional cloud, I managed a few more pictures of my Indian mother and daughter, heading home through the woods carpeted with blue flowers.... With Spring finally here, it's time for the annual 'scilla photos'. So Holly and Nyssa decided to take their dolls and teddy for a walk amongst the lovely blue flowers. I made two floral straw hats to go with their pretty lace dresses....
Today, from the Archives, we have three little girls throwing a birthday party for their favourite artist - Leonardo da Vinci. It also happens to be the anniversary of the opening of the very first McDonald's restaurant back in 1955, so the girls have brought Happy Meals as party treats...
AuthorMartha Boers is an award-winning Canadian doll maker and costumer specializing in fantasy and historical-style costumes. Archives
February 2025