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With Kassia reclined on the sofa, Adrian started work on his painting... The hours went by.... "Well, I think I'm done..." "But you only painted the flowers!" "After I sat there for hours, I'm not even in the painting!" "Sure you are...this is your sleeve right here..." Copyright © 2022 Martha Boers
All Rights Reserved It's been a strange Spring with all the crazy up and down weather. The crabapple trees already bloom for such a short time, and this year we had a heat wave and the blossoms burst open way too fast, and I was only able to take dolls for photos one evening before a severe hail storm finished them all off. So Missy was the only fairy who got to pose with the pink blossoms.... Copyright © 2022 Martha Boers
All Rights Reserved Adrian had always enjoyed the arts, so one day he thought he'd try his paw at painting again. He had hauled out his easel, set out his paints, and picked a bouquet of flowers.... "I can pose for you if you like..." "Just give me a minute.." And she went to gather some cushions.... ...piled them on the sofa.... ...and struck a pose... Adrian offered her his bouquet.... "Maybe you could hold these?" "That's perfect!" Copyright © 2022 Martha Boers
All Rights Reserved One of the flower arrangements I received for my birthday last month, had some lovely little yellow roses, which instead of just dropping all their petals, just drooped and totally dried up. So I thought I'd use them in some photos.
As the weeks turned into months, Adrian and Kassia began to rekindle the love they once had for each other. They were really enjoying each other's company again, and going out of their way to surprise and please each other. So, on a glorious autumn day, Adrian invited Kassia out for a ride.... He had planned a surprise... "This looks like the perfect spot..." "...for a picnic..." "This was such a great idea." Copyright © 2022 Martha Boers
All Rights Reserved With so little to celebrate at the moment, Kassia had invited everyone in the castle, including the guards.... ...and even the maid and the cook... ...who had outdone himself with all manner of special desserts.... "Wow, look at that cake." It was a great time to just relax... ...and enjoy each other's company. Adrian was really enjoying himself... ...and was happy that everyone else was as well... After everyone left, Adrian took Kassia in his arms.... "Thank you, for the wonderful party." Copyright © 2022 Martha Boers
All Rights Reserved It was Adrian's birthday, and Kassia decided to throw him a party. "I know you aren't too happy about how things are right now, but some day you'll be able to think back to the one year you celebrated your birthday as a cat, and laugh about it. Just think of the story you'll be able to tell." "So I decided to throw you a party." "The cook has even made a special cake for you...." "Happy Birthday, your Highness!" Everyone gathered round to sing 'Happy Birthday' "Now make a wish...and blow out the candle..." "I wish we were all back to normal." "Don't we all..." Copyright © 2022 Martha Boers
All Rights Reserved Kassia and Adrian tried to make the best of their situation, and went on with their lives, continuing to do all the things they used to enjoy. Summer seemed to pass quickly, and change was in the air. Days were getting shorter, and the leaves were starting to colour. Fall was in the air... It had always been one of their favourite times to have a picnic in the woods... "It's so nice to get out to the woods." "It's so beautiful here in fall." This post is the copyright property of Martha Boers and if it appears on another site, such as Toy Newz, it was copied from my Antique Lilac website without my permission.
Copyright © 2022 Martha Boers All Rights Reserved Kassia was reading, when Lucy, the maid came in.... "A dragon just delivered this, my Lady. He said it was from the Wizard." "Yes, it's from the Wizard." "Any news my Lady??" "What news? From who?" "It's from the Wizard...." and she started to read it aloud.... 'Your Majesties…. We regret to inform you that even with our best efforts, we have still not been able to determine the exact cause of the situation you currently find yourselves in. However it would seem that your Highnesses are not alone. There would seem to be many others who also find themselves back under evil spells which had previously been broken. There does not seem to be a unifying cause at present. So we have decided that the best course of action at this time would be to work on creating a powerful Transformation potion, in hopes of returning everyone back to their true selves.'" "He goes on....Unfortunately the main ingredient for the potion is a rare magic mushroom that only grows for a few days in late autumn. So, unfortunately, it will still be several months before we can harvest the mushrooms. So please, in the meantime, try to relax, stay safe, and we will deliver the potion as soon as we are able to make it. But it will take some time. Sincerely, with best regards, Nick & Willie'" PS. My cats have welcomed Rags into their home, and he seems quite happy here. "Well, it's not exactly what we were hoping to hear, but it is somewhat comforting knowing we aren't the only ones affected. And it's nice to know that Rags is happy." Copyright © 2022 Martha Boers
All Rights Reserved The Wizard took out a sheet of paper and started to write.... Willie was curious.... "I'm writing a letter to Princess Kassia and Prince Adrian...." "I thought I'd keep them up to date on our progress." Winston arrived... "I have a letter..." "..I'd appreciate if you would deliver it." "It's for Princess Kassia and Prince Adrian." "I'd be happy to." Copyright © 2022 Martha Boers
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AuthorMartha Boers is an award-winning Canadian doll maker and costumer specializing in fantasy and historical-style costumes. Archives
February 2025