Also note how the picot beading along the edge, makes the bottom look so much more 'finished' than the upper part. I know the picture of the actual costume back doesn't have that detail, but theatrical costumes don't necessarily have to be too detailed, since they are meant to be seen from a distance. Unlike costumes for movies, which must stand up to extreme close-ups. Same with this doll costume, since it will also be seen close up. So the details are important.
As more and more gets done on 'Christine's costume, I'm getting more and more excited about the final result. This is where I'm at this morning.... I sewed the gold trim, with red and green beads, around the last of the five pointed skirt panels. Now I have to do the picot beading around the edge. I find the extra detail really finishes the look, making the panels look more in scale. I was pleasantly surprised to see that the panels look very similar to the ones on an actual costume picture from the Internet.... It was extremely challenging finding any pictures of what the back of the skirt looked like, but I did find one. There's two long panels, folded back on themselves create an alternating coloured triangle pattern. Yesterday I figured out the pattern for the two back drapes. I didn't have any fabrics the right colour of dark green, so had to go to Fabricland to buy some..... Notice that I'm using dark red and greens for everything. That's because when one makes a smaller scale costume, not only is the scale of the embellishments and trims important, but so is the scale of the colours. In real life the fabrics would have been brighter, but for something this small it's important to use a shade darker (and duller) so the finished outfit doesn't scream "doll dress"!!
Also note how the picot beading along the edge, makes the bottom look so much more 'finished' than the upper part. I know the picture of the actual costume back doesn't have that detail, but theatrical costumes don't necessarily have to be too detailed, since they are meant to be seen from a distance. Unlike costumes for movies, which must stand up to extreme close-ups. Same with this doll costume, since it will also be seen close up. So the details are important. One of the favourite things to do before the Holidays is to set up the Nativity scene.... After all, that's what Christmas is really about....
Before Christmas, when the girls were busy wrapping up their gifts... Everything had to be perfect, even the colour of the bows.... However when it was the boy's turn to wrap their gifts, they started to get carried away..... ...and tried to wrap up Ringo instead.... ....all wrapped up....
Christmas morning at the North Pole.... Santa had a headache, and was totally exhausted.... He put his feet up, while Narae got him a warm blanket and some tea... The elves had been partying all night, and were still asleep. Cinnamon never even made it to her bed.... But the place was a dump, so Willie, Winston, and Ringo started to clean it all up.... Winston got himself a big broom... ..then he and Willie started to sweep up the place.... Ringo started to clear the table.... Willie and Winston were busy sweeping.... While Ringo stacked the dishes..... "What a mess!" "That slice of cake doesn't even look like it's been touched....... .....and I haven't had breakfast yet......hmmmmm" Santa's headache wasn't getting much better. "I think I'm getting too old to pull these all-nighters!!" Cinnamon woke with a sore stomach...."Me too!!"
The few days between Christmas and my granddaughter's birthday on New Year's Eve (which is an even bigger party, with house guests coming to stay with us) is so busy that it's hard to find time to work on Bianca's 'Christine' gown. But I am slowly making progress. Mostly it's all handwork done in the evenings while listening to TV. During the day, when the lighting is adequate, I try to finish taking the last 'North Pole' photos in the dining room. I need to be completely finished with ALL the Holiday photos, and have everything put away by Saturday, since I'm getting 2 and 4 year old houseguests, who like to 'play' with everything. Anyways, there are five pointed panels over the skirt, and I have three done. Just two pinned in place for this quick photo.... Here's a closer look at the details.... The most challenging thing has been trying to figure out the short draped piece in front. This is attempt number four.....and likely as good as it's going to get.... I know the white 'test' fabric stands out like a sore thumb, but I never cut into the good fabric until I'm satisfied. It will be red cotton with gold print, and gold trim when it's done.
Well, time to turn on the TV and do more beading..... It was a tradition that every Christmas Eve, while Santa was away all night making deliveries, the rest of the staff would have a party. All the workshop tables and chairs would be lined up into one big, long table, and covered with all kinds of yummy things to eat..... This year they were in for a special treat, since Winston had offered to make all the goodies. "Would you like a cupcake? It's my own personal recipe." "Yes, please! They look really yummy!!" It was nice to just sit and relax, after all the hard work the past few weeks.... Not only did Winston do all the baking, but he was also doing all the serving. "Would either of you like one of my cupcakes??" "Hey!! That's the one I was going to take!!" "Oh Effie! They're all the same! And there's enough for everyone!" "No they're not! That one there has a cherry on top!!" "I'd like to raise a everyone here......for another year well done! You've all been working extra hard, and we made a record number of toys this year" "And here's also to Willie, who stepped in at the last minute and lent us all a helping hand...." "And hey Effie, down there at the far end of the table....just stop arguing, and take a cupcake!!" Once they'd all sampled the goodies, the tables were pushed back, and the real partying began.
But I got company over, so couldn't photograph the festivities.... Daisy Dayes held a Christmas photo contest challenge on Resin Cafe earlier in December. I wanted to participate, but just for fun, and not to be judged for the competition, as I'd won in the summer. She gave ten prompts, and I managed to take brand new photos for about half of them. The others were from years gone by. Each of the new ones did prompt little stories, most of which I've already posted - except the last one - so many will be familiar.... 1. Favourite Holiday movie or song...One of my favourite Holiday songs and TV specials has always been 'The Little Drummer Boy'.... 2. Favourite Holiday tradition.....Being of Dutch descent, we always enjoyed receiving chocolate letters on St. Nicholas Eve, on the 5th of December.... 3. Pulling a sleigh....Cinnamon decided she needed to sit on the sleigh to hold onto the gifts, so they wouldn't fall off.... 4. Christmas Wishlist"Look at this letter....some people sure ask for a lot!" "That's nothing! You should see this guy named Craig....he has the longest list I've ever seen!!" 5. Was your dolly naughty or nice this year?Nice. Efreet and Erzulie decided they wanted to give some warm mittens, a blanket, and a warm meal to a homeless person and his dog... 6. Waiting for Santa on Christmas Eve(bonus points if there are cookies in the picture, and EXTRA bonus points if they see/catch him! 7. SNOW!!! Find some, make some, fake some, but she wanted to see some snowy playtime...Making fun snowmen, the easy way..... 8. Decorating the Christmas tree....9. Baking cookies! Bonus point if they are real...Layla was busy making one of my favourites - ginger sparklers - while Kayla was only interested in eating them.... 10. A doll all wrapped up in wrapping paper, or stuffed in a stocking...Coco and Efreet got a bit carried away while wrapping gifts, and decided to try wrap up Ringo instead....
It was getting light already, and there was just one more delivery left.... ...and it was all over for another year....
AuthorMartha Boers is an award-winning Canadian doll maker and costumer specializing in fantasy and historical-style costumes. Archives
February 2025