The two masks I made last week both go with outfits designed to fit Ryung, so today I had to switch costumes and take more photos so I'd have photos of Ryung in both costumes. Which meant Rosy got to try on the Lavender outfit. It was too big in the bust since she's not as well endowed as Ryung, but she looked absolutely stunning!
Rosy and Ryung, beautifully dressed and ready to go to the masked ball. It's the first time they have been photographed together, and I think they look wonderful!
I made the tutorial masks so the colours would match two of my gowns which are still For Sale, and now they will be added to the costume packages - as a bonus! I've been busy making masks to go with two of my older costumes (which are still for sale). Now I need to take photos of my dolls with the masks.
Guess who arrived today? Tedros, in all his manly glory. I just took a quick photo of him in the box since he doesn't have anything to wear yet (better go make him some boxers quick!). Too bad the costumes don't materialize as fast as the new dolls have been arriving lately, but Tedros is the final model, so hopefully it won't be too long before everyone has at least one thing to wear.
I've been working on a special Valentine's project, and was so happy with the results that I just have to share one of the final photos.
Well, I finished the hair ornaments for the five little pink lace dresses for Cinnamon, and now I'm ready to start something new, but first I have a couple of tutorials for Mae which need to be addressed. I have to get those done and out of the way before I can start a new costume, so I better get to it.....
My Cuprit Super Gem arrived this morning! She left Korea on Monday, and now just four days later, she's already here! Got lucky with Customs again too - no charges!
Soom certainly knows how to pack a doll - all in soft peach satin pillows that fasten around the doll with velcro. She came with her hands and two sets of feet (flat and high-heel) packed separately, so I have to attach them. And I need to design some patterns for her before she goes away to get painted, so I can get a head start on some of the costumes I have planned for her. Went to pick up Rosy last night. She's gorgeous!
I dressed her in one of Ryungs gowns since she's the same height. But Rosy has a little smaller proportions so the bodice was too big - in need of a bunch of tissues to stuff out the bust - but for photography purposes it looked just fine. Rosy is so beautiful! Thank you so much Charie! Well, I gave in to temptation and bought an Iplehouse Tedros from someone on the Zone last night. He's the real skin version with five o'clock shadow, an intense-looking guy with blue/gray eyes, perfect for some interesting historical and fantasy costumes, and a great companion for my larger girls. Charie will do Rosy's faceup this week so she'll finally be coming home. And this morning there was an email from Soom with the shipping notice for Cuprit, so she's on her way too. That's three more costume models! All at once! Time to take a deep breath and just focus on what I'm currently working on, and then tackle outfits for the new dolls one at a time as I'm inspired.
Trying to relax and enjoy it, and imagining Tedros as a Musketeer, a pirate, Robin Hood, a barbarian....... Felt inspired to make Cinnamon something new since the holidays are over and she really doesn't need to be a Christmas Elf anymore. I started with the golden poinsettia fairy, but got sidetracked and made a pink lace dress instead. Cinnamon looks so adorable in pink! Maybe I'll make a bunch more for sale.
AuthorMartha Boers is an award-winning Canadian doll maker and costumer specializing in fantasy and historical-style costumes. Archives
February 2025