It was a challenge dressing 22 dolls for Halloween, but I managed to find something for everyone. After taking the big group picture, I decided to take smaller group shots - of three or four at a time - to better show what they were all dressed in......first, Holly, Coco and Peach.... Lisa, Aaron, and Nami... Cinnamon, Byuri, Milo, and Erzulie.... Eric, Angela, and Nyssa..... Paige, Efreet, and Talyssa..... Tillie, Lonnie, and Chloe.... Bonnie, Elin, and Ringo.... ...and one final shot of Ringo....
Well, I did it! I managed to find everyone a costume, and got them to pose outside for one huge group shot. That's twenty two little ones in all. But I do have to say it's a lot easier taking such a large group shot with dolls than it is with real kids. At least dolls won't move or blink. Back row, from left; KIDs Lonnie, Paige, Milo (Milly boy), Angela, Lisa
Middle row; KID Peach, BIDs Coco, Byuri, Elin, Chloe, Nami, Aaron (KID Ah-ra boy) Front row; Holly (BID Bono), Tiny Talyssa (KW) BIDs Bonnie, Ringo, Erzulie, KW Tillie, and Eric (BID Serca) Seated in front; BID Efreet, KW Cinnamon, and Nyssa (BID Naias) I took smaller group shots as well, but I need some more time to process them all. Thought I'd share some of my 'behind the scenes' secrets to the bicycle photos. First, the dead end road which I wanted to use as my setting.... The car, all loaded up with dolls in their boxes, with camera equipment, and laundry basket full of props....parked off to the side, out of the way.... The dolls were posed onto the bikes, and then placed in position.... A photo taken while standing a few feet away..... not very effective.... But then we spread a blanket on the roadway, and I got down and lay flat on the ground in front of the dolls so I had the camera at their eye shoot pictures like this... Since I couldn''t easily get up to reposition the dolls, Jan moved them while I directed him... Anyone can take photos like this, using the trick of 'forced perspective'.
You just have to get down on the ground and shoot at the doll's eye level. They had gone to the pumpkin patch on their bikes, and were headed home. Nyssa sat on the back of her Mom's bike, hugging the pumpkin she'd chosen.... Eric sat on the back of Steve's bike.... "Hey, wait for me!" So they waited for Lisa to catch up.... ....and pass them....
It's been three years since I dressed up all my small dolls for Halloween. Here's everyone in costume back then... The group has grown considerably since then. Now theres seven KIDs, a dozen BIDs, and three Kaye Wiggs tinies. That's twenty two tinies, and ten more than three years ago. I just hope there's enough costumes to go around. Fortunately there's the Fantasy, Fairy, and Medieval costumes, and all the Christmas elves. And I have to carve all the tiny jack-o-lanterns.
I found this great little skateboard at Value Village a few weeks ago, and Milo claimed it.... It fits nicely into his locker at school.... And it gets him there a lot faster..... Which means he can sleep in longer in the mornings....
With rain in the forecast for the next seven days, I thought we'd better take advantage of one last sunny day, and go take some more doll photos, before all the leaves are gone. I packed up my new little family, and a bunch of props not really knowing what settings we would find.
We came across a 'pumpkin patch', and everyone went to look for the 'perfect' pumpkin.... I'm finally getting around to the swimsuit tutorial I had promised. But I was trying to figure out a quicker, easier way to make them, so made a test KID-size one. But with temperatures dropping to near freezing at night now, she just seemed so cold standing there wearing almost nothing. "Is it the doll who's cold, because she won't care, or is it you?" commented Jan. Owen's sweater was lying there (I'd finished the new one for Steve) and I slipped it on her.... "You warmer now?" quipped Jan.
Eric spotted some fallen trees and scrambled to the top. Nyssa wanted to follow him but was a little hesitant, so Steve helped her up....
AuthorMartha Boers is an award-winning Canadian doll maker and costumer specializing in fantasy and historical-style costumes. Archives
January 2025