Turtle Day is coming up on May 23rd, so Byuri and her brother went down to the beach to see if any turtles had arrived to lay their eggs yet, and they spotted two... Then they watched as the turtles headed back to the open water....
Today is World Bee Day, when we acknowledge the important role of bees for the ecosystem. We have been celebrating this day since 2018, thanks to the efforts of the Government of Slovenia, that led the UN General Assembly to declare May 20 as World Bee Day. They chose this day as it was the birthday of Anton Janša, the pioneer of modern apiculture. How to celebrate Bee Day....
Bonnie and Sparkle both had a love of reading... ...and would spend many happy hours together reading great tales of action and adventure. "What happens next?"
May 14th was National Train Day, and Efreet, who loves trains and happens to live near a major rail line, loves to go out every morning and afternoon at rush hour to watch the GO commuter trains go by. Every time the lights start flashing, he'll look up the tracks to see which direction the next train is coming from Every half hour there would be two trains - one from each direction. This morning he was in for a special treat... ...when a VIA train came zooming by.... No sooner had it passed, when the lights started flashing and the gates came down again... ...and another GO train came zooming by....
Today Ruby Red Fashion Friends released a teaser photo of the beautiful doll that we've been collaborating on. They've named her Zora, and she was based on my design for the Princess and the Frog. They've done a great job reproducing the classic Medieval style gown many of my ball-jointed dolls wear. I especially love the elaborate trims they used on the underskirt and hanging sleeves. She will be released as a Limited Edition very soon. So, I guess the 'cats out of the bag' so to speak, as to why I had been posting photos of Ruby Red dolls every now and then. It's because I needed a few of their actual dolls in order to sew my sample costumes for.
Anyways, it's all very exciting! A few weeks later, after the portrait was finished and framed, it was hung in Lawrence and Monica's private royal apartment... "So, what do you think?" he asked her. "Are you happy with it?" 'Yes. It's magnificent. It's everything I had hoped for, and more." "But then, how could Narin go wrong, with such a handsome subject." And he gave her a hug..."I'm glad you are happy with it." "I'm thinking.... with Narin having proven himself to be such an exceptional artist, I may just ask him to paint a portrait of you next." "Well...I don't know about that...." 'Well, maybe," he continued, "after this special trip you promised me?" "I cleared my schedule, and am really looking forward to it."
Lawrence's portrait had been coming along nicely before Monica arrived. Narin knew the King wanted this second portrait done as soon as possible, so he had been painting as quickly as he could.... ... and he really needed Monica to stop distracting his subject. But he couldn't very well ask her to get out of the way. After all, she was the Queen, and the one who had commissioned this painting in the first place. But Lawrence recognized Narin's frustrations, and wanted to get the posing over-with as quickly as possible himself.... "If you keep distracting me, my love, this painting is never going to get done." "So, why don't you..." he suggested, "...go on over to see how it's coming along?" So she did.... And he could get back to his pose... "The painting looks wonderful so far." "You've captured His Majesty's likeness perfectly." "You are so talented." Narin tried his best to focus on his painting.... Monica finally realized she was proving to be too much of a distraction, both for Narin and her husband... "Well, I think I'll leave you to your work now." "And I'll see you later, back at home." And Narin could finally get back to his painting undisturbed...
Monica arrived... "You look absolutely magnificent, and so handsome in your armour." "Thank you for doing this." She went up to him, and he took her in his arms.... ...totally oblivious to Narin who was in the middle of painting his portrait. "Anything for you, my love." Their's had always been a true love story. They had been smitten with each other from the moment they first met, and their love had only grown stronger over the years... "I love you." "I love you too." she whispered, "And thank you for doing this. I'm really looking forward to having this portrait of you." "And I'm really looking forward to our little getaway together."
After seeing the finished anniversary portrait of her husband, Monica had asked Narin to paint a second portrait of him. She had promised Lawrence that she'd arrange a special second honeymoon getaway if he'd pose in his armour for another painting of him that she could hang in their private apartment. So, after catching up with all the things that he'd let slip while posing the first time, Lawrence was ready to pose for the second painting... Narin started with the King's likeness, just as before... ...and it was coming along nicely...
AuthorMartha Boers is an award-winning Canadian doll maker and costumer specializing in fantasy and historical-style costumes. Archives
February 2025