For the first time in weeks I don't have any photos planned. Well, I do have one, but the weather isn't cooperating. And my photo studio thinks it's a dining room again....
But I like to have costumes to work on as well. It just feels wrong to sit and actually 'watch' TV in the evenings. I'm so used to always being busy with handwork, and just listening.
There's lots of stuff to catch up on - things that have been neglected for months. There's also two dolls who missed their birthdays due to me being preoccupied, and then there's Halloween coming up soon. And there's two Christmas related stories I'd love to do, and the way time flies these days it's high time to start on the costumes for those if I really want to tackle them this year. Of course, no one says I have to put the lights and decorations away right after Christmas, right? With the ongoing pandemic no one will be coming over anyways.
There's also some seriously neglected housework needing doing, boxes of fabrics to sort and reorganize, and now that the cold weather can come at any time, all the plants that have been summering outside all need to come back in. But first they need de-bugging and transplanting.
Anyways, I did put together the 'Making of Somewhere in Time' album in Favourite Photos. I didn't remember to take all that many behind the scenes photos, but it might still be of interest...
So, lots to do.....