I googled what to do about the problem and tried some of the suggestions to see if they help. My camera seemed to be okay for a few pictures, so we packed up the dolls and Unicorn and went down to the Lake to find a path through the woods. The camera started acting up again, and I only got two photos (the top one above), so we went home. I tried a few more things, and in the evening we went again. Again, the camera acted up, but I persevered and got a couple of photos. I love how they turned out, but am overwhelmed with all the camera issues.
I was given it for Christmas back in 2008, and it was purchased 'used'. So it's absolutely "ancient" as far as digital cameras go. I think I really need to start looking into a replacement, but in the meantime I'm trying a few more of the online suggestions to see if any of those things help. This morning I tried a different lens, and a new memory card, which I formatted, and things have been working so far. I'll see if it continues to be okay once I switch back to my regular lens.
I have so many things I want to photograph, and can't do without a properly functioning camera. It makes me feel so 'handicapped'.