One of the things I find most challenging to make, is contemporary clothes for guys, and as though that wasn't hard enough, his pants had belt loops. Like how in the world do I make such super tiny, narrow belt loops? On real people's pants, the ends of the belt loops are folded under and then sewn on, but that would be way too bulky on such a small scale. So I figured out a way to make tiny folded fabric strips, and have the ends inserted into the top and bottom of the waistband.....
The shirt, although not the exact same colour of blue, was almost done as well. It just needed the snaps. And the outfit needed a red bandana to tie around his neck....
I don't want the outfit to stay all dirty, so don't want to use paint. I want to use something that will wash out - like real dirt.
Edited to add - This morning I wrapped Owen in plastic wrap so he wouldn't get wet or stained, then wet the clothes and put them back on him, then took him outside and rubbed dirt all over his clothes. Now he's resting on the heat register drying....
Then once our weather roller-coaster dips back down to a more decent temperature later in the week, I need to find, or make, a suitable setting for photos. Something suggesting a tropical jungle. Hopefully on our patio table. That will be the biggest challenge of all.....