SartoriaJ doesn't sculpt the protruding nipples on their ladies, so they won't stand out through thin stretchy clothes like the Iple ladies. Not that I have any clothes like that for her anyways.
I got her with the 'Pose Elbows' which means her arms can swivel at the elbow joint, allowing for more natural posing possibilities.
I had to remove her hands in order to get the tight elastic bands, that hold up her hanging sleeves, on the upper arms, and SJ conveniently included 'dressing balls'. They were really easy to switch out since the 'S' hook on her hands is very long, and the end on the elastic into her arms is pinched shut so it won't pop off.
I also changed her feet to the high heel ones, and she also has the elongated 'S' hooks there, making it very easy to switch feet. However her high heel feet are very high, and it was hard to find shoes that worked.