The dragons and the twins continued north along the shore of Lake Superior, which is the largest fresh-water lake in the world. The twins were starting to get a bit restless, crammed in the balloon basket. Saphira suggested they all stop for a rest. "I know the perfect spot," said Winston. "It's over that way." So they followed him... "It's over White River..." White River was where Winnie the Pooh came from, and there was a park with a statue of him, and Winston thought the twins would enjoy seeing it. Yes, they loved Winnie the Pooh, and posed for a photo with him....
12/2/2023 09:45:36 am
The children look adorable and a bit wind swept, which makes them look even more sweet.
12/2/2023 11:21:03 am
The bear named Winnie in the London Zoo, which inspired the stories by A.A. Milne, came from White River, Ontario. A group of soldiers from Winnipeg, who were on their way to Europe to fight in WWI, acquired the black bear cub in White River. They named her Winnie, after their home town, and made her their mascot. But when the soldiers were sent to the front, they couldn't take her with them, so gave her to the London Zoo. Which is where A.A. Milne and his son Christopher fell in love with Winnie, and he wrote the stories about her. Although he took some artistic licence and changed her colour, and made her a boy.
12/2/2023 02:02:56 pm
I didn’t know the origin of Winnie the Pooh. Thanks for sharing.
12/2/2023 08:17:29 pm
Thanks for sharing this. I did not know the story at all. I know the book is a childhood favorite but somehow I missed reading it. I guess my nose was stuck in one of my Nancy Drew books (laugh).
12/2/2023 02:01:53 pm
Such an adorable story line and great photos. I hope the baby dragons enjoyed seeing Pooh as well. Comments are closed.
AuthorMartha Boers is an award-winning Canadian doll maker and costumer specializing in fantasy and historical-style costumes. Archives
February 2025