It had been several days since the attack on Baron and Rex, when Lawrence summoned Sir Owen and Sir Kyle... "Your Majesty.... you sent for us?" "Yes, I did. I'm sure that you've heard about the attack on the Winter Patrol?" "Yes Sire, we have. How is Sir Baron? Has there been any further news?" "Unfortunately there hasn't been much change in Baron's condition, although he does appear to be stable. Which brings me to why I've summoned you here. The Winter Patrol is very important to the people in the far northern reaches of the Kingdom, and they have come to depend on it."" "But with Baron incapacitated, and Rex staying with him to hopefully bring him home when he recovers enough to travel..." "I need to send someone up there as their replacement. So I'm appointing the two of you." "It would be an honour, Sire." "Commander Jude and his Special Forces Team left a few days ago, to hunt down those criminal mercenaries, and return order to the region." "So, by the time you get up there, it should be safe to finish what Baron and Rex have started." "Yes Sire. Thank you Sire!" "Here are your orders." "Best of luck gentlemen. Our people are counting on you."
4/30/2023 11:49:04 am
All the close-ups of Lawrence, Kyle and Owen in this episode really show how magnificent your knights' and king's costumes are! The details are elegant and intricate.
4/30/2023 04:40:13 pm
Thank you. Their outfits were inspired by Boromir's costume in LOTR. Kyle's was made first more than ten years ago. Then when I made Lawrence and Baron's outfit (which Owen is wearing) Baron's was again inspired by Boromir, although a bit fancier. And I liked the idea of a good King being dressed all in black - including his chain mail.
4/30/2023 12:18:19 pm
Help is on the way! I am sure that the people in the region will rest easier knowing that they will be protected.
4/30/2023 04:41:28 pm
Well, we all know that Baron will eventually recover. It will just take some time.
4/30/2023 04:31:30 pm
Such young ones for a dangerous journey.
4/30/2023 04:48:10 pm
They can take care of themselves - even if they look young. Lawrence wouldn't appoint them otherwise. Comments are closed.
AuthorMartha Boers is an award-winning Canadian doll maker and costumer specializing in fantasy and historical-style costumes. Archives
February 2025