10/20/2019 08:49:58 pm
Oh, Martha, it's wonderful! Your Victorian children are going to love it! All the little details you've included make it an extra special room, and actually it's a room that can "grow-up" along with the baby (not that she'll actually be "growing up") because of the colours you've used.
10/21/2019 12:25:03 pm
Thanks! I wanted to go with something that looked a bit more Victorian. Everything was super 'busy' back then, but I didn't want it overshadowing whatever would be happening in front.
10/21/2019 10:46:20 am
What a great period room! The bed canopy is gorgeous. I'm amazed at the collection of toys and other props you've accumulated. How on earth do you store it all when it's not in use?
10/21/2019 12:27:40 pm
I made that canopy out of a lace scarf. I've been saving props and furniture for years, and everything has it's own space when not in use. There's a row of bookcases in the basement that store all my furniture and bigger props, and the smaller ones go in labelled photo boxes. I pretty much know exactly where everything is.
Nellie Brostrom
10/26/2019 06:02:28 am
Hi Martha, I just found your shop and I am in love with all of your beautiful talent. I would love to buy some Fairy outfit and accessories if available?
10/26/2019 07:29:50 am
I'm sorry, but this is my website, not my 'shop'. Most things I post here are my own personal collection, and are not for sale. The only things that are are listed on the 'Doll Clothes For Sale' page (see in top bar). I also do not take commissions any more.
8/20/2022 11:08:30 am
Qh wow, Martha! That room is fantastic! I'm curious where you find all the miniature stuff. At doll shows?
8/20/2022 11:10:36 am
Thanks. Some of the stuff comes from doll shows, others from Value Village, and much is hand made. I always have my eyes open for anything that might work with my dolls. Comments are closed.
AuthorMartha Boers is an award-winning Canadian doll maker and costumer specializing in fantasy and historical-style costumes. Archives
February 2025