The problem is that Weebly will replace an older photo with a newer one if I post an image that has the same photo number and alphabet code. I've taken thousands of photos over the years, and when I process them for my website I add an alphabet letter to the website image. The first few years it wasn't a problem, but at some point Weebly changed their system so that I could no longer post images with the same alphabet letter as I'd done years earlier. So I started changing the alphabet code every time I had to switch to a new memory card and the photo numbers started duplicating.
My camera does not label my photos with the date like some cameras. It just gives them a four digit JPG or RAW number. So that wasn't an option.
Every now and then I'll come across a photo which shouldn't be there, and I fix it. It's not an easy process, and takes a bit of research through my files, and lots of time.
I had gone through all my Favourite Photos albums earlier this year looking for photos that were out of place, and fixing them, but now it seems to have become an issue in older Blog posts, where Weebly is replacing images with others with the same numbers, even though they both have different alphabet codes. Yet the Favourite Photos album which has those same photos seems to not be affected. I have no idea why. Probably the result of Weebly's latest 'improvements'.
I've fixed a bunch of the misplaced photos, but I'm sure there must be more. I don't have time to go through all eleven years worth right now, so if you come across a post where a photo seems to be out of place, just let me know - with a link to the problem - and I will look into it, and fix it.
Thanks, Martha