Spaghetti - added some definition to the pasta, and made the sauce more red and orange
Pancakes - added light brown shading to centre of top pancake
Banana Split - 'aged' the banana to make it very ripe, changed the red ice-cream to pink, touched
up all the chocolate chips which were just partially painted, and painted the stem of the cherry
Strawberry Sundae - touched up the edges of the sauce, and added more definition
Fish Sticks - added brown shading to give fish sticks more definition
Cake - didn't like the dark red icing (like dried blood) so repainted it a lighter raspberry
Pie - added light brown to make it look 'baked'
Tomato Soup - added orange swirls
Brownie - cherry on top wasn't properly painted, so fixed it
Cookies - added shading to make them look more realistic