Just a quick post to share about the 'fire' that's now in my fireplace. Back when I was shooting the Storyteller, I needed a fire in his fireplace, so I cut some clear and coloured cellophane into flame shapes and hot glued them between some of the logs I had pilled in the fire grate. Then I suspended a tied up bunch of 'warm white' Christmas lights down behind it to make a 'fire'.... However, I felt it could still be better, and with Christmas photos coming up, I wanted to make some improvements. I thought maybe a set of really tiny lights might look more realistic, so bought a package from the Dollar store. It was a string of ten tiny lights operated by batteries. Then I trimmed the cellophane 'flames' down some, and cut holes in the fire/log unit, and inserted the ten tiny lights, securing them with hot glue.... The battery pack fit nicely in the grate behind the flame & log unit.... However, once installed back in the fireplace, the ten tiny lights didn't seem quite enough.... although I did like that there were finally some 'glowing embers' at the bottom... So the string of Christmas lights was suspended down behind them again.... So now I have two options when it comes to the size of the fire in the background.
12/30/2021 02:14:36 pm
What a great idea. It definitely looks like a roaring fire. The last photo with baby Sena, with the fire behind her, is amazing.
1/2/2022 10:22:17 am
Thanks. The fire does look believable when it's fuzzed out in the background, and those tiny lights are very convincing as 'sparks'.
12/30/2021 06:42:57 pm
I love your faux fire - the effect looks great and what a clever way to do it!
1/2/2022 10:25:32 am
Thanks. I don't know why it took me so long, but the Storyteller photos forced me to finally figure something out, as they had to have a fire in the fireplace. I had originally considered photoshopping photos of a real fire into the fireplace, but that just seemed like way too much work, especially with all the different camera angles. Better to have a 'real' something to turn on whenever needed it. Comments are closed.
AuthorMartha Boers is an award-winning Canadian doll maker and costumer specializing in fantasy and historical-style costumes. Archives
January 2025