I thought it would be fun to take a photos for Naked Gardening Day using the Avery twins, as they were the only dolls who wouldn't mind the indignity of being photographed naked. But where to create their garden? My spring garden is no place scale-wise for photos of such tiny dolls, the tulips being at least four times as high as the dolls, so I had to come up with something else. The large garden urn was empty of plants, with just the yew in the background, so it seemed perfect. I smoothed out the dirt, surrounded the edge of the urn with dried moss, put up a clothesline, and 'planted' rows of tiny orchids, goutweed, and moss. And to represent 'cabbages' I used Brussels sprouts, carefully placing them on bits of moss so they wouldn't touch the dirt. I had wanted to take some photos of Winston and Willie having tea in the Scillas in our backyard grass, but it just wasn't working out to my satisfaction. Taking photos on the ground was getting way too difficult for me, so I moved them to the upper garden instead, somewhere with just short plants, and positioned an old tree root behind them to hide the ugly fence... Then I could sit on a bench to take the close ups...
5/9/2024 06:29:52 pm
The strategically placed cabbage cracked me up. I also love the tree foot behind Winston and Willie.
5/9/2024 07:14:20 pm
LOL. These little dolls don't have 'private parts' so both needed that area hidden. One by having their butt face the camera, and the other by hiding behind a 'cabbage'.
5/9/2024 11:25:14 pm
I always love seeing "how you did it!" Comments are closed.
AuthorMartha Boers is an award-winning Canadian doll maker and costumer specializing in fantasy and historical-style costumes. Archives
February 2025