So in the meantime, when I do add a bit to his face, I just mix up pea-size balls of Apoxie. That way I can't get carried away sculpting too many things at once, and then accidentally mess things up when I invariably over-work stuff. The last few bits of Apoxie were used to add to the forehead, soften some of the wrinkles, raise the top of the cheeks, and extend the lower lip downward.
The sculpting on my old man's head goes very slowly. I've decided to take some stress off and not try to push him to be done for Christmas photos this year. Which means he'll probably start life out as a Wizard early in the new year. That will give me all of next year to make some old-fashioned Father Christmas costumes. After all, next year there will be another Christmas. So in the meantime, when I do add a bit to his face, I just mix up pea-size balls of Apoxie. That way I can't get carried away sculpting too many things at once, and then accidentally mess things up when I invariably over-work stuff. The last few bits of Apoxie were used to add to the forehead, soften some of the wrinkles, raise the top of the cheeks, and extend the lower lip downward. I need to add a tiny bit to his lower lip, and add some to the top of his ears, since they seem way too low. Then I need to learn about painting resin and Apoxie. I've already picked up a can of Testor's Dullcote - not that I have any experience using it.
11/28/2015 05:06:28 am
He is stunning already and will be a wonderful wizzard untill next Christmas.
11/28/2015 07:29:12 am
That is a great saying! Will need to remember that one.
11/28/2015 01:03:27 pm
Brigitte that is a brilliant saying! Absolutely brilliant! Hahahahahaaa!
11/28/2015 01:01:43 pm
He is coming along so well and what a brilliant idea to take away the stress of trying to complete him for this year.
11/28/2015 01:20:11 pm
Thanks! I had wanted a Santa for this year, but kept putting it off, and now there's way too much to do, and in way too little time. Comments are closed.
AuthorMartha Boers is an award-winning Canadian doll maker and costumer specializing in fantasy and historical-style costumes. Archives
September 2024