The only way to show the lace to maximum advantage was to layer it between some very sheer white fabric. The sheer was too slippery to just cut out, or to pre-draw the wing shape onto, so I pinned two layers of the sheer onto the paper pattern, placed the lace appliqués on top, pinned them down, and stitched around the outside edge of both the paper pattern and the lace appliqués, leaving an opening at the shoulder so I could turn the wings right side out. After stitching, cutting out the wings, clipping the edges, and turning them right-side-out, I pressed them, then top-stitched a narrow pocket along the top edge for the wire, and top-stitched the wing to accent the embroidered appliqués inside.
I bent wire to fit into the pockets on the edge of the wings, inserted them, hot-glued the ends in place. The wire was visible through the sheer fabric, so I covered the edge with glitter to hide it. While I was at it, I also added a bit of glitter to highlight the pink floral design of the lace. I used pink glitter fabric paint, sprinkled with iridescent glitter to tone it down....
So there you are. They were actually quite easy to do once I knew what I was doing. The
biggest challenge to making similar wings would be finding similar shaped lace appliqués.