Last week I came across a lovely painting on Facebook, which I promptly shared on my own page. It was a painting entitled "the Fairy Wood", by Henry Meynell Rheam, c 1903..... Then someone suggested they'd like to see me recreate that scene with my dolls. Challenge accepted! Except there was no way my version would be exact. The real flowers are a lot taller, and I don't have those kinds of costumes, or a knight. So substitution was in order, and off we went.... Back to the Lakefront Trail, and the bridge across Petticoat Creek.... ...carrying everything we'd need.... I did the initial posing of the fairies, then Jan moved Adrian and his horse into position.... ....and I took photos. Here's just one..... Now I have a LOT more photos to process....
5/4/2019 06:24:14 pm
I love your interpretation of the painting! It's wonderful. So are you and Jan for all you do to bring dreams to life.
5/4/2019 07:47:59 pm
Thank you! It's fun!
5/4/2019 06:31:47 pm
Oh my goodness, how lovely! I can't wait to see the other photos.
5/4/2019 07:06:25 pm
I had to laugh, Dorothy, because I thought the same thing. Jan needs a little red wagon... or a small donkey.
5/4/2019 07:43:43 pm
He doesn't actually carry ALL that stuff himself. He just temporarily took it all so I'd have free hands to take the picture. At the time, I did tell him he's making it look very misleading - or making me look like a regular slave-driver.
5/4/2019 07:32:27 pm
When I saw the painting I immediately thought of your dolls. Your interpretation is wonderful! I like how you used costumes and characters you already had instead of trying to recreate the scene in exact duplicate.
5/4/2019 07:46:11 pm
I didn't have much choice. Those blue flowers are on their last legs, and there wouldn't have been time to make anything. There wasn't even time to change some of other dolls into fairy costumes, so these same three are just helping out another fairy queen. Sometimes you just have to go with what's on hand.
5/5/2019 04:18:18 pm
Great interpretation! When it comes to costumes, though, I like your version much more than the original painting. And Jan looks perfectly content to be your temporary beast of burden.
5/5/2019 04:55:06 pm
Thank you! I'm glad everyone seems to prefer my doll's costumes. Which is a good thing, since I'd never bother to make that many outfits just for one photo, which means using what's on hand. Comments are closed.
AuthorMartha Boers is an award-winning Canadian doll maker and costumer specializing in fantasy and historical-style costumes. Archives
September 2024