Sixty one of the dolls are friends of Winston the dragon, and appear in the back of his Photo Album...
Yesterday I finally finished the outfit for my newest arrival, Dominic by SJ. I finished his robe, and the scabbard for his dagger, and I gave him a fancy chain around his neck...
I still need to try make him a mohair wig, but the style I'd like would be a huge challenge. Anyways, it's never going to happen if I don't try. I just need to photograph the scene where Miho introduces him to Baron and Naomi, so his wig stays consistent through their wedding story, and doesn't change part way through. And then I can attempt it..maybe.
I will start posting the final chapter tomorrow. Obviously we know there will be a happy ending, but we will also discover Kassia's back story in the process. Here's a sneak peak...
The little flower girls coming for their dress fitting....
Although there is still one story I had really wanted to put together this past year, since most of the photos for it were shot ten years ago. I had thought it would make a great tenth anniversary project to finally address this year, but then the other two stories pretty much took over all my time. I'll see if I can still fit it in, but with Christmas decorations already appearing in the stores, this calendar year is quickly coming to an end. After all it's November already!
In addition to the costume prototypes for the collector dolls, I have a huge list of doll clothes that I've been wanting to make for some time now. The list just keeps getting longer and longer. Some things do eventually get done, like the outfits for all my House Elves that were finally painted...
I'd also like to reorganize my website to create a For Sale page for all the things I've been wanting to let go of; wigs, shoes, doll eyes, old art dolls, and books. I've been wanting to do that for years now, but everything takes time, and I can only do so much. So it never happens.
Anyways, today I can look back and celebrate all the things I did get done this past year, and a year from now I can look back to see what happened next. Hopefully a lot!
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