With all these models it's been a busy year making costumes. A total of fifty eight new outfits were made - some very elaborate - and I'm almost completely sold out. I have a lot of plans for the coming year: more fantasy Renaissance outfits for EID ladies and Tedros, fairies and fantasy costumes to fit Narae, angels and Christmas elves for the Kaye girls, "Christine" and Rococo gowns from fabrics I've had for over a year now, more butterfly fairies, and the list goes on and on......so many ideas, but not nearly enough time. And I'd like to tackle my collection of saris and scarves and make a series of special dresses for as many girls as possible.
One of the things I've enjoyed most is taking photos of the dolls. Each time new outfits are done, it's great fun to be able to take nice photos of my dolls in them before they move on to new homes. It's been a fun, rewarding year. Here's hoping the next one will be too!