Hair styling has never been my strong suit. Back in the old doll-making days with my sister, I would glue the hair on the dolls as best I could, and do some initial trimming, but she was the one who always did the final styling. Now I have to do it myself, and it's not something I enjoy at all.
I pressed the sideburns back with an iron, used hair gel, and even hair spray, always protecting his face with plastic wrap, and wrapping his head with cloth strips to control the hairstyle as the wig dried. But the more I fussed, the worse it got, with stray bits of hair sticking out in all the wrong places. So I finally gave up and washed the wig with shampoo to remove everything, and just let it dry as it was, and it actually wasn't bad.
It's not perfect, but at least he has a wig now....