Earlier this month I received a bouquet of beautiful roses. Unfortunately they must have been a bad batch since they started to droop almost right away.... Well, I watched them wither away, then just before heading to the compost pile I decided to use them in some photos, with three little rose coloured fairies....Lenny, Raillie, and Cinnamon...
4/24/2021 11:54:45 am
What a lovely use of the roses. My sister actually loves roses when they start to wither and their heads bow down. She thinks they're beautiful at that stage. It's all in the eye of the beholder.
4/24/2021 12:09:31 pm
I like the roses at every stage, but it was just such a shame that they all started to droop almost immediately. Usually they last for almost a week before they do that.
4/24/2021 12:10:24 pm
The little fairy girls look pretty holding the flowers. They don't seem to mind that the flowers are drooping a bit.
4/24/2021 12:14:53 pm
I left the roses in the vase until they were good and dead, and chose Lenny to be one of the fairies since she wouldn't look too happy about them.
4/24/2021 12:57:55 pm
Your little fairies all look so sad that the roses are drooping, especially Lenny.
4/24/2021 02:57:48 pm
I imagine fairies would prefer bright, blooming flowers as opposed to dead ones. Which is why I chose Lenny. She's the saddest of the bunch.
4/25/2021 06:42:59 am
These pictures gave me a mental image of the rose fairies collecting up the roses that humans don't want anymore, in the same way the tooth fairy collects the baby teeth.
4/25/2021 06:46:08 am
Now, that's an interesting interpretation.
8/26/2022 08:01:26 pm
Lovely pictures! It's so hard to pick favorite costumes - I love most if not ALL of them!!! I want to try to make a fairy costume, a warrior princess costume, and a Renaissance Gown. We'll see if that happens. Also, I've been wondering about those mushrooms - did you make them? In one previous photo, I was pretty sure you did, but them in another one, them seemed to be natural. If so, how?
8/27/2022 06:45:23 am
I didn't make the mushrooms exactly. The biggest one and the small one like it were purchased at a garden centre a few years back. The big one had an accident so I had to make a new bottom for it out of Apoxie, and attach it to a piece of driftwood for a base. The shiny mushrooms are some kind of ceramic, purchased at Dollarama. They are meant to be stuck into the ground, but we attached them to some driftwood. I don't remember where the really fine ones came from, but we attached them to a piece of driftwood for a base. Comments are closed.
AuthorMartha Boers is an award-winning Canadian doll maker and costumer specializing in fantasy and historical-style costumes. Archives
December 2024