The poor girl looked like a "drowned rat", like she was totally in shock.....
and Byuri offered her the blueberries she'd picked earlier......
Monday morning as we started for home, I wanted to take a few last photos of my little girls at the rapids on Chickanishing Creek, after all, little kids love water...... We were getting ready to leave, then suddenly Elin was in the water, being swept away in the rapids! I watched in horror as she pummeled downstream.......and disappeared! Jan jumped into the river and watching the direction of the current, rescued Elin from the bottom. I checked her over, and she hadn't been damaged in any way - no scratches or dents from the rocks. She even had her wig still on! I guess, being hollow, she rode in the top of the rapids over the rocks, but once out of the fast current, she quickly filled with water and sank to the bottom. The poor girl looked like a "drowned rat", like she was totally in shock..... The others quickly came to her aid... They wrapped her in a thick towel, Nami hugging her closely, and Byuri offered her the blueberries she'd picked earlier...... I had to take Elin completely apart - at least as far as I dared - and stuffed her with paper towels so she could dry inside. I combed the wig back into shape and put it on Nami so it could dry. By the time we got home several hours later, Elin was nice and dry, and back together again. There was a package waiting, and in it was a pair of lovely turquoise sandals - which I gave to Elin - and soon her whole brush with disaster was completely forgotten.....
8/21/2013 03:33:19 am
That would be so terrifying! I'm glad Jan was able to go after her and rescue her and that she wasn't damaged at all. <3
8/21/2013 04:52:55 am
It all happened so fast, and then afterwards when Elin was safe, I thought I should "take advantage of the opportunity" since it was something I'd never do on purpose.
8/21/2013 05:00:00 am
the dangers of kids and water....
8/21/2013 05:15:50 am
Yeah, and these ones can't be taught to swim. I was thinking maybe I should make them some life-jackets. But possibly some thin, weighted "bean bags" to put under their butts to even out the rock surface they are sitting on, would help prevent this from happening again.
8/21/2013 07:10:31 am
How lucky you are to have a hubby that would go to the rescue of a doll. I doubt mine would - unless it occurred to him fast enough that I was likely to buy to more to replace and console myself!
8/21/2013 07:10:44 am
Three Cheers for the Search and Rescue Team!!!
8/21/2013 07:19:11 am
If that happened to me I think I would have a small heart attack. The pics and story are awesome but if Jan had not reacted so fact, I hate to think what would have happened to your beautiful doll.
8/21/2013 07:33:49 am
He knows how much the dolls mean to me - plus he said afterwards that it was rather refreshing! 8/21/2013 07:35:00 am
Wow, just Wow. That would scare the beejeebers out of me. So glad she is okay and Jan was able to play gallant and rescue her. 8/21/2013 10:59:35 am
Wow!! What an adventure!! That would be terrifying.... good thing there was a rescuer on hand..... :)
8/22/2013 03:35:07 am
Wow! What a close call! Your husband is a gem to jump in to rescue the poor little girl (it's cute to see how tiny she really is). Your photos are the silver lining to that cloud :o)
Chris Durrill
8/22/2013 03:45:55 pm
Oh my, considering all the work and love you've put into these, it must have been a heart stopping moment - thank you Jan for risking your dry trousers! Anyway, have you ever considered using these photos in a children's book? My daughter, who is 9 and has gone through your gallery with gusto, now wants a doll like one of yours, and at the moment, a picture book would be more within our/her budget range. Anyway, thank you for sharing your marvelous work!
8/23/2013 11:48:43 pm
Wow, I think that's a great idea. Your doll pictures are already kind of telling a story and some of them have turned into miniature stories.
8/24/2013 01:18:27 am
I agree. Your photos and stories would make lovely children's books!
8/25/2013 04:25:41 am
I've thought of doing some books, but it's a lot of work, so for now it's just an idea on the back burner.
8/23/2013 02:24:20 am
I'm glad she's okay. I would have had a heart attack. You have a great guy there. Comments are closed.
AuthorMartha Boers is an award-winning Canadian doll maker and costumer specializing in fantasy and historical-style costumes. Archives
February 2025