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Winston and Saphira tried to spend as much private time together as they could. They would get up before the others... they could be alone together, just the two of them. As the days went by, they became ever closer... Until finally, one evening, it was Saphira who said it out loud, "I love you, Winston..." ..and she gave him a big hug... Winston's heart skipped a beat. He had been totally smitten ever since the very first moment he saw her...but had been afraid to say anything... "I love you too." Copyright © 2022 Martha Boers
All Rights Reserved
8/20/2022 08:54:50 am
I am so happy that Winston found his soulmate. On the other note - will you be sewing small dragons? You should not let them go extinct when they are the last two of their kind 🙂.
8/20/2022 11:04:06 am
LOL. Now there's the perfect reason to be making baby dragons!!
8/20/2022 08:59:59 am
This is such a lovely thread. I’m so glad Winston and Saphira found each other. It must be such a gift to their hearts to know they are no longer the lone dragon in the world.
8/20/2022 11:05:27 am
Thanks. I think they are both very happy.
8/20/2022 09:12:32 am
First comes love, then comes marriage...
8/20/2022 11:07:36 am
Saphira is definitely the bolder of the two. And yes, I know the rest of that little song.....and here's hoping I can pull it off - maybe some time this coming winter.
8/20/2022 08:48:34 pm
So sweet and romantic - It's lovely that these two found each other!
8/21/2022 11:02:55 am
Borrowing parts of a song from Camelot - the silence at last was broken... and the words of love were spoken!
8/21/2022 11:21:12 am
The lyrics are perfect fo the situation. Comments are closed.
AuthorMartha Boers is an award-winning Canadian doll maker and costumer specializing in fantasy and historical-style costumes. Archives
February 2025