It's nice and sunny outside, and the temperature is above freezing, so I had a little look around the garden, and look what I found..... my miniature daffodils poking up through the ground..... Last year at this time they were in full bloom, but we had spring unusually early last year - but at least there's finally some sings of life out there. And in the front, on the other side of some large snow-piles, I spotted the early crocuses......the very first flowers of 2013! Today I'm continuing with the four peasant/Hobbit costumes. The blue shirt for the boys was too crisp and neat for my Narin - I made it from an old permanent press shirt - so I'm trying to crinkle it so it looks better in scale. I've embroidered flowers on Lonnie's vest and skirt pockets, and I've wet and crinkled the skirt hoping it will dry all crinkled so the gathers will look more in scale on it as well. Next job is to haul out the "Heavy Darks" box and choose cloak fabrics.
I've gone back through all my Blog posts to fix all the links to tutorials that were done for BJDCollectasy, since they have a new website and all the old links were broken. I found all but two - the Mask, and the frayed fairy skirt. I couldn't find either one of those, but maybe I never announced them in my Blog - which would seem odd. Anyway, they are all linked on my Tutorials page, so they are all accessible there.
3/27/2013 12:56:07 am
We are in what is supposed to be spring in the UK, it's snowing. This is officially weird so if you're getting spring I say hold onto it and I envy you.
10/2/2013 01:01:06 pm
One of the ones available back in 2010. Comments are closed.
AuthorMartha Boers is an award-winning Canadian doll maker and costumer specializing in fantasy and historical-style costumes. Archives
September 2024