Whenever you are taking photos out in the wilderness and there's bugs, it's important to take several shots, because you never know if a bug or two were getting too nosey, and and accidentally got in the way.
Well, the northern wilderness is Black Fly Country, and I'm a bug magnet. I'm sure many of you have seen documentaries about wildlife in the Arctic, and noticed those clouds of bugs - mosquitos and black flies - swarming around every person and animal. Well, some areas of Newfoundland and Labrador are just like that. Even bug spray doesn't help that much. It does keep them off my head some, but they still circle not far, just waiting for the spray to wear off. And that means they get in front of the camera when taking photos, and end up as big dark spots in the photo.... like this.....
It was always a treat on windy days when there were no bugs. Wind was also a constant pain to deal with, but at least I wasn't being eaten alive.