Yesterday was a holiday - the August Civic Holiday (Simcoe Day in Ontario) - but it rained so much that I had no chance to go out and take any fairy photos - so I made a puzzle that's been sitting around since I was given it for Christmas (2012). I have just two sets of wings to put together and sew the Velcro onto. I'm finding sewing Velcro is very hard work, and it's really agravating my carpal tunnel. Oh well, just two more sets to go. Then it's photo time! I figure I should give all the glue and glitter a decent time to fully cure so it's not the least bit tacky anymore for packing and means lots of time for fun photos! By the time the outfits go up for sale, everyone will be sick of fairy photos.
Jan also made an architectural photography prop yesterday for some photos I'd like to take. We bought a pressure-treated porch railing post and three turned spindles as the basic materials. I'm not saying what it is, but after a lot of cutting, gluing, screwing, and sanding, it's looking great. Once the plastic wood dries and gets sanded, I'll start painting it. I need it to end up looking like aged concrete or marble.