Little Baby Sena from SupiaDoll arrived yesterday. She is my Christmas gift from Jan. I had wanted to keep her arrival 'secret' until after she was painted, but the artist sent along so may free gifts that I just had to take some photos to share anyways... Baby Sena is just 15 cm tall, and will be joining my Victorian family once she's painted.... The artist sent along several gifts - the little pink tutu, and a bunch of Korean treats.... My Sena will be a 'baby', as opposed to a toddler, so I created an 'ultra-sound' to announce her expected upcoming arrival....hopefully at some point in the not-too-distant future.... (I know they didn't have ultra-sounds back in the Victorian days, but who cares??)
4/24/2019 01:28:07 pm
Dear Martha, what a cute "birth" announcement.
4/24/2019 07:41:16 pm
Thanks! First she has to get painted, and I have no idea how long that will take.
4/24/2019 06:15:18 pm
She really is (make that soon-to-be) an adorable and interesting addition to your Victorian family. I love the ultrasound announcement! And you're right, who cares if they didn't have ultrasound back then, this is the delightful world of make believe!!
4/24/2019 07:48:27 pm
I decided that she would be a girl. The family already has two girls and a boy, but I prefer making girl clothes. And who says I have to be 'equal opportunity'? Comments are closed.
AuthorMartha Boers is an award-winning Canadian doll maker and costumer specializing in fantasy and historical-style costumes. Archives
February 2025