To cut the cake, Aeran used a special jewelled sword from her mother.... "Who wants a slice?" Bonnie thought the cake was delicious. She especially like the strawberry filling.... Everyone loved the cake....
The ceremony is over, and I've excused myself for a few minutes to go inside and post a few photos The entire wedding party..... The bride and her flower girls.... ...and the happy couple.... It's called a "wedding on a budget". Almost everything has been borrowed from existing outfits.
In fact it was the fairy dresses that gave me the idea in the first place - take away the wings, give the girls some white tights, matching shoes, and a bouquet, and they look totally different - like little princesses. The only new things made specially for this event, were the veil, the tights for the flower girls, and everyone's bouquets. Well, back to the party..... For the past few days, Leona has been very busy working on the wedding cake - mixing, baking, making icing, making flowers and fillings, then icing the layers.... ..positioning the third tier.... ...then adding all the roses.... Making a wedding cake is a lot of work - I know because I've made several real ones in
my time - but it is a labour of love, and usually much appreciated, so worth all the effort. Hopefully the cake will taste as good as it looks. The wedding is this afternoon, and I'm a little nervous. Taking photos of so many people at once is always a big challenge, especially with so many young children involved. But it's a nice sunny day, and there's no rain in the forecast, so it should be perfect for an outdoor wedding. Hopefully it will all go off without a hitch, and I'll have some nice photos to share. I still have lots of fairy photos to here's a few with Cinnamon and Tillie.... ...and a few of Bonnie....
I have a shade garden, which means there's also a huge population of slugs and snails. The snails grow very large, and are actually quite attractive - well, their shells are.... Every morning I go out to water my plants, and then pick off all the spent flowers, and sometimes there's snails on them. Well, imagine my surprise when I spotted one of these huge snails in a Rose of Sharon flower this morning ..... So I rushed inside to get my camera. I wondered how on earth he got so high up into a flower that was almost at my eye level. Then he started to move..... ...up to the edge of a petal......and these are actually quite delicate petals..... ...he took a look over the edge..... ...curled over the edge of the petal..... .......and in no time was heading down the back of the flower...
Pretty impressive! And so fast too! So much for the statement "at a snail's pace". I guess I should consider next time I say that, what I'm really saying is "I may not be not the fastest at what I'm doing, but I am making steady progress". Narin stops in with Narae to see how the flower arrangements are coming along..... She's doing a wonderful job.... "I wonder if I'll ever find MY Prince Charming?"
Preparations are well under way for the upcoming wedding. Narin was given the job of 'wedding planner' and overseeing that everything would be done perfectly in a timely manner.... He was helping Maya with the decorations in the garden... ..and double checking to make sure everything was done perfectly.... The pillar with railing was made recently for 'romantic period and fantasy ' photography settings, and is being temporarily decorated for the wedding. The pillar is actually part of a pressure-treated porch railing post, and the short railing posts are cut from three pressure-treated outdoor porch spindles, which had identical sections cut from the top and bottom ends. Three coats of paint later, and some faux marbling, and I have a prop which will come in very useful for garden photography.
Today I have some photos of fairy interactions from the two weekend photography sessions....
....interactions with each other, or with the bugs and butterflies..... Today I'd like to share some photos of my two yellow fairies, Lonnie and Byuri, and their butterfly friend, taken in the flower gardens earlier this week..... Even though there are still lots of fairy photos to post, I've finally had enough of taking the dolls on photo shoots all over town. I'm all 'fairied out'. All the dolls have been undressed, their outfits photographed, and attention turned elsewhere - to getting ready for the upcoming wedding.
I'm excited to announce that I will be the official photographer at a royal wedding! After a two-year engagement, Kyle and Aeran have announced that they will be getting married later this week. The bride's beautiful heirloom gown has been painstakingly altered and reworked, and all the flower girls are very excited about their pretty dresses too. All manner of final preparations are underway for the big day. The actual ceremony and reception will be private, but I will be taking all the official wedding portraits - which I am allowed to share here.
AuthorMartha Boers is an award-winning Canadian doll maker and costumer specializing in fantasy and historical-style costumes. Archives
February 2025