It still needs some fine-tuning, but I'm leaving it for now.
Yesterday I spent all day working on my Wizard's beard, then trying to trim his hair to match. It still needs some fine-tuning, but I'm leaving it for now. He looks pretty good, but I'm thinking he looks a bit too 'biblical', like Moses parting the Red Sea. I figured he needed a hat to make him look more like a Wizard, so I made one this morning.... That definitely looks better. Now he's a Wizard instead of a 'prophet'.
Laura J. Underwood
2/22/2017 03:54:25 pm
He is So Perfect!!! Congratulations!
2/23/2017 12:38:34 pm
2/22/2017 09:03:56 pm
He's wonderful, and ever so kindly and wise looking.
2/23/2017 12:42:33 pm
I'm glad he looks kind and wise, as he's going to be various 'Santa' figures as well, and maybe even a 'Grandpa'.
2/24/2017 12:51:33 am
Moses was my first thought too. :-)
2/27/2017 05:34:51 pm
Gluing a beard on is very tedious work. But if you take your time it's quite possible. I take a small amount of mohair, trim the end off flat with the scissors, then apply some Alene's glue, and place the mohair where I want it, then press it down with a toothpick. As the glue dries, I press it again several times to make sure it's actually held down and in place.
2/27/2017 05:24:58 pm
Wow! So much has happened while I was away! Your wizard is amazing. And how interesting to see just how much the hat is an essential part of his costume.
2/27/2017 05:36:11 pm
It's nice to have his first 'incarnation' done now. Then I have plenty of time to make his Father Christmas clothes. Of course, now you just watch, and me still wait too long, right before Christmas.
3/5/2017 08:41:14 am
oh I LOVE the eyebrows and cheek facial hair- wow hard hard to do!
3/5/2017 08:45:36 am
Thanks! His beard wasn't as bad to do as I had feared, but I do have some experience gluing on beards from my old art doll days. It's just guy's wigs that frustrate me, especially in this case, since he needed a receding hairline. Comments are closed.
AuthorMartha Boers is an award-winning Canadian doll maker and costumer specializing in fantasy and historical-style costumes. Archives
February 2025