It was clear that Baron and the woman knew each other.... She embraced him, "It's so good to see you again..." "But...why am I back here??" "When I sent you into the future, it was never intended to be permanent. True love's first kiss was going to bring you back.... along with your lady." "All magic comes with a price..." "What do you mean 'sent him into the future'? Where is this?" "Speaking of your lady love, why don't you introduce us?"
7/12/2021 03:30:19 pm
Magic does come with a price. I love Naomi's comment in the next to last photo! It is going to be very interesting to see how this story plays out.
7/12/2021 05:55:54 pm
Well, the story keeps evolving. Unfortunately I need a certain lighting condition to take the photos so they are consistent, and our forecast calls for lots of cloudy days and rain, which is not helpful. So other stuff might just start popping in.
7/12/2021 05:50:42 pm
Oh this is wonderful.
7/12/2021 06:00:33 pm
Thanks. Books sound great (and would be) but they would be EXTREMELY expensive. It's not that I don't want to have books made, it's just that they are cost prohibitive. My sister is in the process of making books of all her artwork over the years, and a good quality book that does justice to one of these longer stories would cost close to $200. And that's without any markup for my trouble of ordering it. And doesn't include shipping. No one is ever going to pay that.
7/12/2021 08:01:56 pm
I know that you are right. I am hoping for magic (smile). Comments are closed.
AuthorMartha Boers is an award-winning Canadian doll maker and costumer specializing in fantasy and historical-style costumes. Archives
February 2025