So, after some scouting around, I found a few other places that might work.
Then Winston invited Willie to sit on his back so he could fly her around for an aerial tour of the place....
I had some ideas for some photos down by the lake, so we packed up everything and drove down there. But what a shock!! There were crews cutting down EVERY SINGLE TREE !!!! The big ones, the small ones, trees hundreds of years old, everything!!! We had always loved that area. So much for one of my favourite doll photo locations!! So, after some scouting around, I found a few other places that might work. Then Winston invited Willie to sit on his back so he could fly her around for an aerial tour of the place.... They circled nice and low a few times, so Willie could get used to it.... "Wheee...!!! This is fun!!!" Then Winston headed up.... ...and away they went......
3/28/2018 05:27:57 pm
What a pity that your favourite photo location is lost. Are they planning to build something there? I do not get why they cut all the trees.
3/28/2018 06:52:36 pm
We asked one of the workers, and he didn't know why everything was coming down - he was wondering about it himself.
Laura J. Underwood
3/29/2018 10:28:07 am
That sucks. There are places here where I live in East Tennessee that I used to hang out and now they are wall to wall condos. Hate it when that happens.
3/28/2018 07:05:46 pm
Absolutely brilliant!
3/28/2018 07:16:15 pm
Thanks! It took a bit of work to clone out the threads, but I was happy with the photos.
3/28/2018 10:20:42 pm
Martha, what great photos. I bet this is going to be the beginning of Willie and Winston's adventures and friendship. I am looking forward to seeing the behind the scenes shot. I love seeing how you make the magic happen. I am still wowed by the scene you created using the door of your china closet. Amazing!
Laura J. Underwood
3/29/2018 10:24:43 am
I am just in love with little Willie and I think she and Winston are quite a pair. Love these pics!
Lynne Armstrong
3/31/2018 06:33:09 pm
LOVE your photos Martha! Willie and Winston are the perfect pair :) Comments are closed.
AuthorMartha Boers is an award-winning Canadian doll maker and costumer specializing in fantasy and historical-style costumes. Archives
September 2024