..and a bunch of Arm Warmers
Not being averse to 'copying' stuff, since it's a lot easier than trying to come up with something unique, I had noted that Claire wears more than one kind of shawl in the series. There's the brown with black stripes, that I already made a version of, and a gray cowl scarf, which I also knit. But there were shots of her wearing a gray and dark green shawl as well....
I thought I'd start with the gray and green shawl out of the finer yarn I had. I began as soon as we were nicely zooming east down the 401. It took three days to finish, but when I compared it size-wise to the shawl I'd already made for Bianca, it was a lot smaller. I never realized that the yarn was even finer than the needle-punch yarn.
Well, it would be impossible to unravel, with all the decreasing of two stitches at the beginning of every row, so I just had to start over. This time just duplicating the shawl I'd already made., knowing it would turn out the right size.
Then one after another, I made shawls on all the long drives.....each one averaging three days to complete....
Then it was time to try some bigger shawls. The first one I made using the sock yarn from our Michael's, but the last shawl ended up being made from some yarn I picked up at the Michael's in St. John's (the only Michael's in the entire province) They had the yarn I liked in all kinds of dull earthy colours. So I got a ball of many of them. Here's what's left.....