So I started by making him a new wig. And he appeared with Narae in the Winter Patrol story...
I had tried going to their contact page before, trying to tell them to cease and desist, but their contact page would not work. It's apparently fake, as are all the email addresses. There didn't seem to be any way to contact them. Then this morning I was given a link to a page by another blogger describing all their efforts to try and stop that site from stealing her blog posts. She had apparently gone to great lengths to try and put a stop to her blog being copied, given the run around at every turn, with no success at all.
I felt very discouraged, and violated, but there didn't seem much I could do to stop it, and I almost felt like quitting. But I've decided to try do something about it. From now on I'm going to put my website name and copyright statement in every single post. Perhaps a statement like "This post is the copyright property of Martha Boers and if it appears anywhere other than on my Antique Lilac website, it was stolen without my permission."
I don't know if the admins on the toynewz site actually edit the stuff they steal because it looks like they just copy my entire post, so I'm hoping that statement will show up when they steal my post. Or maybe they'll cut it out, who knows? But it's worth a try.