Rex and Baron continued on in the snow.... ....when they came upon a familiar griffin and his friends, having dinner by their fire.... Baron got down off his horse.... "Good day to you sirs...." "We are just passing through on the King's business." "You look familiar...." "Yes....didn't you pass by here last year around this same time?" "Yes, we come up here every winter just to check on things, and make sure everyone is okay." "Then you are most welcome here..." "Come join us..." "...and warm yourselves by our fire." "Thank you...we'd be more than happy to..."
3/6/2022 09:05:31 am
Amazing photos! I can feel the cold from here. The Griffen is an interesting character. So unexpected to find characters in the frozen north.
3/6/2022 10:14:53 am
Thank you. 3/6/2022 10:09:50 am
Great armor on the two characters with the griffin. The griffin is awesome too. Their sweep through the north is very interesting.
3/6/2022 10:19:46 am
Thank you. Their helmets and most of their armour is sculpted of polymer clay, and painted silver, although some of it is made from real metal medallions.
3/6/2022 08:27:58 pm
I'm loving the knights' encounters with the different citizens of the kingdom. Very fun! I especially love the Griffin and his companions are cool too.
3/7/2022 04:35:18 pm
Thank you. I thought it would be more interesting if the knights actually encountered various characters on their journey. I didn't exactly plan these ones, but was putting Bianca back in the display case, and she stands beside the piece with the Griffin...and I wondered if he would work...and one thing led to another....and here he is...
3/6/2022 09:19:34 pm
Unexpected and wonderful!
3/7/2022 04:36:57 pm
It was fun to include these characters in the knight's travels. They work so well with my BJDs. I just wish they were posable, then I could really have some fun.
3/7/2022 04:03:44 pm
Sometimes I don't know what to say without sounding like a broken record. This story is wonderful and each episode is fascinating as it unfolds. I love how respectful Baron and Rex are when they encounter the many different characters who inhabit Lawrence's realm.
3/7/2022 04:39:28 pm
LOL. "Broken record" is just fine. I really do appreciate getting comments. I love what I'm doing, and it makes me feel like all my effort is worthwhile. Comments are closed.
AuthorMartha Boers is an award-winning Canadian doll maker and costumer specializing in fantasy and historical-style costumes. Archives
February 2025