"The magazine editor loved your photos, and had me send more of our gowns for you to photograph...." "He brought the photos to show us...." "They were really good!" "He said he still needed one more for the cover...." "I knew the one that would be perfect..." "...and showed him my favourite....the pink gown with all the beading." "He loved it, and said it would be perfect." "...and he wanted me to model it myself." "I didn't know if I could do it - or if I even wanted to. I didn't have any experience as a model." "But he insisted..." "...and I'm so glad that I did, because that's when I met you...."
Elizabeth Anne Ayala
9/28/2021 12:27:44 pm
Ah, thats how she was selected to model the pink gown. Forgive me I dont know some of the dolls names. The auburn haired girl in the green shawl. In one shot the dolls expression gives the impression that she was disappointed not to have been chosen to model.
9/28/2021 12:43:24 pm
It's interesting how even with static faces a doll can still have certain expressions depending on how they are photographed.
9/28/2021 08:02:34 pm
And yet another surprise. I would not have guessed how she got to model the gown.
9/29/2021 07:28:38 am
It's nice to know things unfolded in a surprising way, and it wasn't always obvious.
9/28/2023 08:07:24 pm
Ah how lovely Comments are closed.
AuthorMartha Boers is an award-winning Canadian doll maker and costumer specializing in fantasy and historical-style costumes. Archives
September 2024