Ever had one of those days when nothing goes right?
I've been working on some flouncy 'girlie' dresses from some soft Indian fabric, and having nothing but trouble. The fabric is so soft and frays so easily that everything needs Fray Check and hand-basting before machine sewing. Even though I used patterns I've used before, the back wouldn't overlap enough for snaps, so I had to hand-sew 'extensions' onto one side of the back. Even then, there wouldn't be enough room for a tulle underskirt, so it has to be made as a separate piece. The shoulder ruffles won't stay down because the fabric refuses to press unless it's with a wet cloth so they had to be hand-sewn down. I noticed a stain on the underside of the skirt of one of the new dresses - can't sell it now. Then one of the lenses fell out of my glasses. I had noticed a small round hole in the sari veil of my Saffron outfit when I took Ryung out in it for photos last week. It was a smooth round hole - like a tiny burn - but I don't know where it came from or even if it may have been there all along. I took Ryung out into the garden to take a few photos in the Saffron outfit this afternoon and noticed that the veil not only had the hole, but it also had dark green stains! Well, I can't sell the outfit like that. Good thing I still had another veil waiting for a third Saffron outfit! So much for that third outfit! Then while taking photos of Ryung, her hand fell off, so that ended the photography. The tiny hook that popped out of her hand disappeared somewhere in the garden. Had to go to WalMart after dinner, but the car kept dying every time we had to stop or turn a corner. Our car has been acting up since November, but only when I'm in it. I think it's time for a break - do something else for a little while - like do some house-cleaning! Right! Time to take a few deep breaths and see what outfits are salvageable and which aren't. I've admired the larger Iplehouse women for a long time. The first one I fell in love with was Asa, so when she became available in JID size I took the plunge and bought my first Iplehouse doll. She is my most beautiful realistic doll and she photographs so beautifully. This month Iplehouse is having a special 'parts event' during which bodies and heads can be ordered separately. Jan convinced me that I really should get myself an EID woman, but which sculpt, and which skin tone? After some careful consideration, I finally decided I really prefer the 'special real skin' version best, especially how it photographs so beautifully, but I couldn't decide between my two favourites sculpts - Carina and Asa. So we ended up ordering one body and both heads - all in special real skin. It's a way to have a choice of two models, but with only one doll out on display at any time.
Now the wait begins. Iplehouse promises delivery in 50-60 business days, so that means the end of July. But we ordered the dolls blank, so maybe they'll come sooner. Two fairies in the woods come across a nest with some eggs, and are careful not to touch them. Where's the Mamma bird? Probably gone to get something to eat, and will be back soon. They decide to stay and watch over them until she gets back. Tried to take some photos in the woods today. Wanted to take a few more with the last two fairy outfits and some with 'Brygid', but the trillium woods are inaccessible after the road work that was done there last year. Did manage some with the two fairies in another forest clearing, but I guess I'm just going to have to mostly make do with my own backyard from now on.
Had three more MSD outfits to post, so decided to reorganize the whole MSD page while I was at it. Now the main page just has photos of each of my four models and you click on an image to go to the page with costumes made specifically for that size doll. The Layla and Miki buttons go to the same page since they have identical bodies. It could end up being a challenge keeping something for sale up on every page, but I like how the whole section works now - instead of having to scroll down through everything.
I'm working on four 'little girlie' dresses for Miki and Layla. Earlier this week I picked up two lovely soft Indian scarves at Value Village, and I thought the prints were perfect for cute spring dresses the same style as my heirloom chickie dress. Made a couple of new wigs for Layla and Miki today. I still have bags full of angora goat mohair from years ago, and thought I'd try make some shorter 'little girl' wigs out of some of the shortest 3"- 5" locks. I crocheted some wig caps and lined them with nylon tricot. I've discovered that lining the insides of the caps, although a fussy job, does make for a much neater wig on the inside, and the hot glue doesn't seem to go through it and stick to the foil on my doll's head when I'm applying the strips of mohair. After gluing all the wefting onto the wig caps, the wigs are extremely wild and in need of some major combing, washing, conditioning and some more combing.
Here's Layla, 'Before' and After' ..... I've decided to take this week to catch up with making and finishing the webpages for all my most recent doll costumes - plus make a few more new wigs. Once the back-log is taken care of I can start something new. My Narae's Clara outfit has never been featured yet, so I thought I'd take her outside and try some photos out in the garden. I had a miniature daffodil just the perfect size for Narae to hold.
Took the opportunity this morning to take some final doll photos in the scillas. The flowers are fading fast, disappearing in the grass, and the forecast was calling for rain the rest of the day, so we rushed over before breakfast. This time I took Ryung in her Saffron outfit. It was made in January at a time of year when there really isn't much choice for outdoor photography other than with bare or snowy backgrounds. I was quite pleased with the new photos, although it was still a challenge to capture the correct colour of the bright orange Indian sari fabrics. Also today, my new tutorial on Making Simple Wired Fairy Wings went up on BJDCollectasy, an online BJD news magazine. The easy-to-follow instructions reveal all my secrets on how I make my current wired fairy wings. The wings shown in the tutorial are the wings made as part of my Marigold Fairy outfit for my adorable Kaye Wiggs Miki.
AuthorMartha Boers is an award-winning Canadian doll maker and costumer specializing in fantasy and historical-style costumes. Archives
February 2025