Happily Ever After? Chapter 2 - part 5
The continuing story of my White Cat sequel
Waking Up Human
The next morning, Kassia sat up in bed..."It worked! I'm human again!"
She felt her face....and her whiskers were gone!
She went to check in the mirror...
"Yes! The potion worked!"
"I can hardly believe it!"
But when she turned to Adrian...
...her heart sank....
Adrian was still a cat....
He rolled over and sat up, "You're human again!!"
"....but...you're not...."
"I wonder what went wrong?"
Kassia rushed downstairs to find the Wizard and Willie...."Your potion worked on me!"
"That's fantastic!"
"However, it didn't seem to work on Adrian..."
"He's still a cat..."
Lucy came in...."I'm still a cat too..."
"As is everyone else. The potion doesn't seem to have worked on anyone, other than your Highness..."
"I'm so sorry."
"Why didn't it work?"
"I really don't know. It was the most powerful transformation formula I know of, and it should have worked."
Kassia was happy to be human again, but she was keenly aware of everyone else's disappointment.
"If you both would excuse us for a little, we will go and get dressed, and then we can talk about it some more at breakfast.... and figure out what to do next."
"If you both would excuse us for a little, we will go and get dressed, and then we can talk about it some more at breakfast.... and figure out what to do next."
What now?
The Cook had gone to considerable effort to prepare a lavish breakfast..
Lucy took the Cook aside..."Why did you bother to go to all this effort? Everyone is feeling so disappointed right now."
"Exactly! It's because everyone could use a little cheering up. And life has to go on. So, just smile and help serve breakfast just like it's any other day."
But Kassia wasn't hungry. She felt torn inside, feeling happy to be human again, yet guilty that she was the only one that the potion had worked on.
Even so, she thanked Cook for making such a wonderful breakfast...."It looks delicious."
"Yes! It certainly does!"
Then to the Wizard..."So, what now?"
"Well, I had honestly hoped the potion would work better. It should have, but it didn't."
"We had delivered some to the Princess whose three brothers had turned to Ravens, and the potion only worked on two of them..."
"And it didn't work on the Frog Prince either. He's still a frog."
"But I knew up front that a transformation potion wasn't going to help everyone affected."
"There was no way to get someone unconscious to drink a potion, so it wouldn't have been any help at at Prince Phillip's castle where everyone was asleep."
"So I had taken the initiative to apply for a hearing at the Fairy Court, to present a class action suit on behalf of everyone affected by that evil fairy's curse. She didn't abide by their rules to provide an escape clause, so we can present a case to have them undo it."
"But fairies live a long time, and time is meaningless to them, so they are never in any hurry, and there's no way to know when they'll hear our case."
"So there's still a way out of this?"
"Most definitely! The Fairy Court is renowned for their strong moral code. I'm confident they will rule in everyone's favour. We just need a court date, and they haven't responded to my queries yet, other than to say they'll get back to us. As Willie said, they are never in any rush."
"Did you hear that? We aren't going to be stuck like this forever?"
Lucy suddenly felt a little more hopeful...
"Some tea your Highness?"
"No thanks...."
"I think I'm going to need something a lot stronger this morning."
"Me too..."
After breakfast Kassia went out for a stroll in the garden. She left very conflicted. She was so thankful that she was human again...
...yet sad that everyone else was still stuck as a cat.
Adrian came out to join her....
"Well, that sure didn't go as we had hoped. But I am happy that it worked for you."
"Yes. Truly. Everyone is very happy for you."
"Anyways, being a cat isn't so bad...."
"There are far worse things we could have become..."
"..like a bug....or a worm. It's definitely given me a new perspective on life. And on what really matters."
"You're right. So we'll just continue like before, making the best of things, and patiently wait for our court date."
* continued in Chapter 3
Copyright © 2022 Martha Boers
All Rights Reserved