A Christmas Story - part 6
The King and Queen had thrown their annual Christmas Eve banquet for all the Lords, Ladies, and castle folk, the night before, and Christmas Day was always reserved just for their own family. Dinner was going to be just a small intimate affair, with only their invited guests and themselves.
A Heartfelt Welcome
Everyone took their seat at the table.....
The King rose to make a toast....
"I'd like to extend a warm welcome to all of you....."
"Today we come together as new friends...."
".....to celebrate with each other on this special day."
"I wish you all a joyful and blessed Christmas!"
"Merry Christmas!"
"And God bless us, every one!!"
Christmas Dinner
Dinner looked delicious, but some felt a little awkward at first.
After all, how does one make casual conversation with their King and Queen?
But Elora and Hans didn't have any problems...
And soon everyone started to relax and enjoy themselves....
The King was happy to see his daughter having such a good time...
...with her new friend...
The meal was delicious....
...and they all had a wonderful time together....
Gifts for the Children
After dinner, everyone gathered around the tree as Nora pulled out one of the gifts she and Nick had brought....
"This one is for you..."
"Can I open it now?"
"Yes, you may..."
What could be in it?
Then Nora motioned to Hans, "We have one here for you too..."
Hans suddenly felt a little shy.... "Go on, it's okay..."
He had never received such a magnificent-looking gift.
What could possibly be in it??
Opening Gifts
Hans and Elora were very excited about their gifts....
"Oh, wow!!"
"It's the baby Jesus in the manger!!"
"It's the newborn King!"
"There's even a shepherd, and a sheep! And the three wise men too..."
"I knew how disappointed you were yesterday, when you couldn't get to see the Baby Jesus for yourselves, and then after you were gone, I remembered I still had a few sets of nativity figures left from my old wood-carving days....."
"Grandpa worked late into the night making the stables for them, so he could give them to you today..."
"So now you can enjoy the scene whenever you want..."
Thank You
The children gave Nick a big hug....
"Thank you so much! It's beautiful, and just how I imagined it would have looked! I love it!"
"You're very welcome, sweetheart..."
"I can't believe you made them just for us..."
"Thank you! It's perfect! I love it!"
"Now, you can take it out and look at it every year, to remember that very first Christmas so long ago..."
*Continued in part 7
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