A Tale of Two Dragons - continued
The continuing tale of Winston and Saphira
Welcoming the Elves
That evening the Elves attended a banquet in their honour...
Lawrence rose to offer a toast..
"This evening we welcome our honoured guests..."
"...the envoy from the Elven Kingdom."
"Here's to you all..."
"May we soon all become the best of friends!"
Out in the Garden
Meanwhile Saphira had arrived on the castle terrace. Winston had suggested it would be nice place for them to get together for dinner.
'Wow! This looks amazing! How did you do this?"
"Well, the King and I are good friends. I've known him since he was just a boy."
"He knows I like to cook, and asked the kitchen staff to make some room for me so I could make us something."
"It looks like you've been very busy!!"
Dinner in the Great Hall
Meanwhile, dinner with the Elf delegation and the Royal family was going well....
It was clear that, other than their size, they were not all that different from each other after all...
They all had the same concerns...
..and the same hopes and dreams...
...and love for their homes and families.
Phairby was also there. She'd not been able to join the other Elves when they first arrived, or attend the official signing, because her Fairy Godmother responsibilities kept her extremely busy. But she was able to attend the dinner..
Everyone was having a good time....
It was like having dinner with old friends....
Winston & Saphira
Meanwhile out on the terrace, the dragons were about to start their own dinner. "I was given permission to help myself to the wine cellar, and picked out a bottle of champagne. Would you like some?"
"Yes, please."
Winston couldn't take his eyes off her. Saphira was just so beautiful.
"Here's a toast...to not being the last dragon after all!!"
"Yes! Here's to not being the only one!"
Crunchy Things with Ketchup
They started into the main course..."This looks delicious!"
Winston reached for the ketchup...and covered his drumstick....
Saphira watched him. "Could you pass the ketchup, please?"
"I love ketchup on anything crunchy!!
Winston could hardly believe it!
Saphira seemed to love ketchup just as much as he did!!
Saying Good-Bye
The next morning the Elf Delegation was getting ready to leave. Baron and Winston had come to see them off...
Willie turned to Winston, "Good-bye old friend. It was so nice to see you again."
"Winston, why don't you come with us?"
"Now, there's an idea!"
"You could travel with the Elves back to their Kingdom....and spend some more time with Saphira."
"But...what about your wedding?? I don't want to miss that."
"The wedding isn't for another few weeks yet, and you can fly back for it. I say you go with Saphira. She'd really like you to come."
"Yes! Come with us!!"
"So, what do you say?"
Winston didn't need much convincing...
...and decided to go with them...
I'm so glad that you decided to come!!"
"Me too!!"
Winston turned to wave...
"I'll be back for your wedding!!"
Then Baron noticed Phairby...
"What? You aren't going with them?"
"No. I have a few places I need to go first. Fairy Godmother duties, you know. I'm going to join them later."
And the two of them watched the little group leave...
...as they headed out....
..across the castle ramparts...
...and through the castle gates.
*Continued in Part 3
Copyright © 2022 Martha Boers
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