A Tale of Two Dragons - part 3
The continuing story of Winston and Saphira
Into the Mountains
The little group headed through the forest....
...and soon found themselves in the mountains.
The terrain became ever more treacherous...
..as they made their way through a steep mountain pass...
"This way!!"
"Are you sure??"
"Yes. Just follow me!!"
Together in the Wilderness
Early the next morning, while the Elves were still asleep after their arduous trek the day before, Winston and Saphira went off together to have some private time alone...
"This is a really beautiful place!"
"It sure is."
"It's one of my favourite places..."
"...and I wanted to share it with you."
"I'm so happy to have met you."
"Me too. All our lives we thought we were the last of our kind..."
"...and now there's two of us!!"
"But we better head back..."
"I promised Willie I'd help make breakfast."
So they started back towards camp...
Willie and Winston were busy whipping up a hearty breakfast...
..for the Elves, who were finally up.
"This looks delicious!"
"It sure does!!"
"More pancakes, anyone??"
"Well, this has been delicious, but the sun has been up for a while now, and it's time to move on."
"Yes," he sighed, "we have a long way to go today."
On the Rocks
The sky became overcast and the wind picked up as they headed out along the shore of the lake....
"At least this is easier going than through the forest..."
"Yes, or over the mountain passes."
"We should reach our next camp by nightfall."
"I just hope it doesn't start to rain..."
But their luck held out, it didn't rain, and they finally arrived at their next camp just as the sun went down...
More Mountains
The next day they had to cross yet another mountain range...
..even steeper and rockier than the last one...
Dinner in Camp
After crossing the mountains, they'd decided to take a break and just rest up in camp for a day.
This time Winston offered to make dinner by himself...
Willie was only too happy to be able to just sit with the others and enjoy a meal for a change....
Winston had made all his favourite signature dishes...
..no doubt, to impress the lovely Saphira...
Even though Phairby was usually off fulfilling her Fairy Godmother duties, she usually made it a point to join them for meals.
"This looks so good!"
"This looks so good!"
"It sure does!"
A Bouquet of Flowers
While everyone was resting, Winston went and picked a bouquet of wild flowers...
He found Saphira. "I picked these for you!"
"They are beautiful, and some of my favourites!"
"Thank you so much!!!"
And she gave him a big hug.
Dragons in Love
Winston and Saphira tried to spend as much private time together as they could.
They would get up before the others...
....so they could be alone together, just the two of them.
As the days went by, they became ever closer...
Until finally, one evening, it was Saphira who said it out loud, "I love you, Winston..."
..and she gave him a big hug...
Winston's heart skipped a beat. He had been totally smitten ever since the very first moment he saw her...but had been afraid to say anything...
"I love you too."
Copyright © 2022 Martha Boers
All Rights Reserved