Renewing their Vows
Owen and Leona decided to renew their wedding vows, complete with fancy dress, and professional portraits. Three of their kids wanted to be in the wedding party - Holly and Lonnie were flower girls, while Coco was ring bearer - but Milo decided he'd rather not.
Time to Get Ready
"Hey, wake up! It's almost time to get ready to go!'
"Huh...??? I??"
"You fell asleep."
"Looks like you were having quite some dream."
"But it seemed so real!"
"Anyways, you need to get up. The photographer wants to take some photos of us."
the Dress
"Thanks so much for letting me borrow your dress."
"When Owen suggested we renew our vows, I almost panicked, because I knew my own wedding gown wouldn't
fit me anymore. " |
"I'm only too happy to help. In fact it's actually nice to get out of that cumbersome gown every once in a while." |
"It is so beautiful! It's like a fairy princess gown."
the Ring
With Owen and Leona renewing their vows, they asked their son Coco, to be the ring bearer....
"Wow, that's some nice ring!!"
"Could you all look at the camera, please?" "Thank you!"
Almost Ready
Leona got dressed, with some help from Aeran, her Maid of Honour, while some of the children watched..
"Mom, you look beautiful! Just like a Fairy Princess!"
*next - the Official Portraits
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